Colorful Containers - Version 3 (Dark Mode & Animation Update!)
This texture pack replaces all of the Minecraft container GUI! It will replace the original Minecraft textures with amazing unique textures to match the containers! Some of these include; Villagers, Crafting Tables, Anvils and much much more!
This is a texture pack made to improve your experience in Minecraft by improving the user interface (GUI) of most of Minecraft's interactable features.
Each new menu will take inspiration from the block or entity it's associated with. In version 3 some of these blocks are animated! And now has an option for a dark mode.
GUI's Changed in this pack
- Cartography Table (Animated)
- Enchanting Table (Animated)
- Ender Chest (Animated)
- Anvil
- Blast Furnace
- Brewing Stand
- Small/Large Chests
- Crafting Table
- Dispenser
- Dropper
- Furnace
- Grindstone
- Hopper
- Loom
- Shulkers
- Smoker
- Stone Cutter
v2 Showcase!
v1 Showcase!