CSS Color Blocks Addon (Added Vertical Slabs!)
You are a builder and you are bored with 16 colors and default color blocks in Minecraft? Want more blocks to make building more fun? Then this Addon is for you. This addon adds 148 color dyes based on the color names of the CSS language so you can create a variety of colors of wood planks, bookshelfs, concretes, glass, slabs and stairs, making building in Minecraft more fun.

This addon adds color dyes, wooden planks, bookshelfs, concretes, glasses, slabs and stairs in the following colors:
- Black (#000000)
- Navy (#000080)
- Dark Blue (#00008B)
- Medium Blue (#0000CD)
- Blue (#0000FF)
- Dark Green (#006400)
- Green (#008000)
- Teal (#008080)
- Dark Cyan (#008B8B)
- Deep Sky Blue (#00BFFF)
- Dark Turquoise (#00CED1)
- Medium Spring Green (#00FA9A)
- Lime (#00FF00)
- Spring Green (#00FF7F)
- Aqua (#00FFFF)
- Cyan (#00FFFF)
- Midnight Blue (#191970)
- Dodger Blue (#1E90FF)
- Light Sea Green (#20B2AA)
- Forest Green (#228B22)
- Sea Green (#2E8B57)
- Dark Slate Gray (#2F4F4F)
- Dark Slate Grey (#2F4F4F)
- Lime Green (#32CD32)
- Medium Sea Green (#3CB371)
- Turquoise (#40E0D0)
- Royal Blue (#4169E1)
- Steel Blue (#4682B4)
- Dark Slate Blue (#483D8B)
- Medium Turquoise (#48D1CC)
- Indigo (#4B0082)
- Dark Olive Green (#556B2F)
- Cadet Blue (#5F9EA0)
- Cornflower Blue (#6495ED)
- Rebecca Purple (#663399)
- Medium Aqua Marine (#66CDAA)
- Dim Gray (#696969)
- Dim Grey (#696969)
- Slate Blue (#6A5ACD)
- Olive Drab (#6B8E23)
- Slate Gray (#708090)
- Slate Grey (#708090)
- Light Slate Gray (#778899)
- Light Slate Grey (#778899)
- Medium Slate Blue (#7B68EE)
- Lawn Green (#7CFC00)
- Chartreuse (#7FFF00)
- Aquamarine (#7FFFD4)
- Maroon (#800000)
- Purple (#800080)
- Olive (#808000)
- Gray (#808080)
- Grey (#808080)
- Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
- Light Sky Blue (#87CEFA)
- Blue Violet (#8A2BE2)
- Dark Red (#8B0000)
- Dark Magenta (#8B008B)
- Saddle Brown (#8B4513)
- Dark Sea Green (#8FBC8F)
- Light Green (#90EE90)
- Medium Purple (#9370DB)
- Dark Violet (#9400D3)
- Pale Green (#98FB98)
- Dark Orchid (#9932CC)
- Yellow Green (#9ACD32)
- Sienna (#A0522D)
- Brown (#A52A2A)
- Dark Gray (#A9A9A9)
- Dark Grey (#A9A9A9)
- Light Blue (#ADD8E6)
- Green Yellow (#ADFF2F)
- Pale Turquoise (#AFEEEE)
- Light Steel Blue (#B0C4DE)
- Powder Blue (#B0E0E6)
- Fire Brick (#B22222)
- Dark Golden Rod (#B8860B)
- Medium Orchid (#BA55D3)
- Rosy Brown (#BC8F8F)
- Dark Khaki (#BDB76B)
- Silver (#C0C0C0)
- Medium Violet Red (#C71585)
- Indian Red (#CD5C5C)
- Peru (#CD853F)
- Chocolate (#D2691E)
- Tan (#D2B48C)
- Light Gray (#D3D3D3)
- Light Grey (#D3D3D3)
- Thistle (#D8BFD8)
- Orchid (#DA70D6)
- Golden Rod (#DAA520)
- Pale Violet Red (#DB7093)
- Crimson (#DC143C)
- Gainsboro (#DCDCDC)
- Plum (#DDA0DD)
- Burly Wood (#DEB887)
- Light Cyan (#E0FFFF)
- Lavender (#E6E6FA)
- Dark Salmon (#E9967A)
- Violet (#EE82EE)
- Pale Golden Rod (#EEE8AA)
- Light Coral (#F08080)
- Khaki (#F0E68C)
- Alice Blue (#F0F8FF)
- Honey Dew (#F0FFF0)
- Azure (#F0FFFF)
- Sandy Brown (#F4A460)
- Wheat (#F5DEB3)
- Beige (#F5F5DC)
- White Smoke (#F5F5F5)
- Mint Cream (#F5FFFA)
- Ghost White (#F8F8FF)
- Salmon (#FA8072)
- Antique White (#FAEBD7)
- Linen (#FAF0E6)
- Light Golden Rod Yellow (#FAFAD2)
- Old Lace (#FDF5E6)
- Red (#FF0000)
- Fuchsia (#FF00FF)
- Magenta (#FF00FF)
- Deep Pink (#FF1493)
- Orange Red (#FF4500)
- Tomato (#FF6347)
- Hot Pink (#FF69B4)
- Coral (#FF7F50)
- Dark Orange (#FF8C00)
- Light Salmon (#FFA07A)
- Orange (#FFA500)
- Light Pink (#FFB6C1)
- Pink (#FFC0CB)
- Gold (#FFD700)
- Peach Puff (#FFDAB9)
- Navajo White (#FFDEAD)
- Moccasin (#FFE4B5)
- Bisque (#FFE4C4)
- Misty Rose (#FFE4E1)
- Blanched Almond (#FFEBCD)
- Papaya Whip (#FFEFD5)
- Lavender Blush (#FFF0F5)
- Sea Shell (#FFF5EE)
- Cornsilk (#FFF8DC)
- Lemon Chiffon (#FFFACD)
- Floral White (#FFFAF0)
- Snow (#FFFAFA)
- Yellow (#FFFF00)
- Light Yellow (#FFFFE0)
- Ivory (#FFFFF0)
- White (#FFFFFF)
Color Dyes:





Slabs (added vertical slab):


You can enter these commands into Minecraft to get colored blocks and dyes (each command gives you 36 stacks of color blocks and dyes, except for the give5)
- Dyes:
/function give_dye_powder/give_dye_powder_1
/function give_dye_powder/give_dye_powder_2
/function give_dye_powder/give_dye_powder_3
/function give_dye_powder/give_dye_powder_4
/function give_dye_powder/give_dye_powder_5 - Bookshelfs:
/function give_bookshelf/give_bookshelf_1
/function give_bookshelf/give_bookshelf_2
/function give_bookshelf/give_bookshelf_3
/function give_bookshelf/give_bookshelf_4
/function give_bookshelf/give_bookshelf_5 - Concretes:
/function give_concrete/give_concrete_1
/function give_concrete/give_concrete_2
/function give_concrete/give_concrete_3
/function give_concrete/give_concrete_4
/function give_concrete/give_concrete_5 - Glasses:
/function give_glass/give_glass_1
/function give_glass/give_glass_2
/function give_glass/give_glass_3
/function give_glass/give_glass_4
/function give_glass/give_glass_5 - Planks:
/function give_plank/give_plank_1
/function give_plank/give_plank_2
/function give_plank/give_plank_3
/function give_plank/give_plank_4
/function give_plank/give_plank_5 - Slabs:
/function give_slab/give_slab_1
/function give_slab/give_slab_2
/function give_slab/give_slab_3
/function give_slab/give_slab_4
/function give_slab/give_slab_5 - Stairs:
/function give_stair/give_stair_1
/function give_stair/give_stair_2
/function give_stair/give_stair_3
/function give_stair/give_stair_4
/function give_stair/give_stair_5
You can also craft these blocks by adding dye to the respective recipe:
- Planks:

- Concretes:

- Glasses:

- Bookshelfs:

- Stairs:

- Slabs:

These dyes cannot be crafted (the reason is because there are too many dyes). However, you can get these dyes from trading with wandering traders (1 emerald = 64 color dyes):
(However, when opening the wandering trader's UI, it will be quite laggy, so you may have to reopen it many times)

Don't forget to enable experimental features of Minecraft for the best addon experience
- If you are going to feature my add-on in YouTube, make sure to give credit to me and don't claim that the creator of this add-on is you.
- If you are going to feature my add-on in YouTube, DO NOT USE MEDIAFIRE OR YOUR OWN LINK, USE THE LINK IN THIS SITE or else I'll REPORT YOU.
- You are not allowed to change any code in this add-on without my permission.
- You are not allowed to publish this add-on to other apps or sites without my permission. For those who are interested to donate money for my Minecraft Addons, you can donate your money here at my PayPal link: https://paypal.me/lethitokhanh
Download: https://up-to-down.net/257120/cbmcA