Effected Swords
Tired of the default swords in Minecraft? You want new weapons? This addon adds over 100 new sword crafting recipes in Minecraft. You can now soak swords in potions so you can create swords that deal damage along with the effects of that potion!! Can also be used with enhanced effects potions or extended duration potions
The way to create the above swords is extremely simple. You just need to match the slime ball, sword and effect potion together to get a new sword!! This sword will effect mobs if it is a harmful effect, apply the effect to the user if it is a beneficial effect.
- Swords made from normal potions will have an effect level of 1 and an effect duration of 15 seconds
- Swords generated from the duration-boosting effect potion will have the effect duration increased to 30 seconds
- Swords made from potions with a level 2 effect will have an effect level of 2
For example:
Fire Resistance Iron Sword:

Instant Health Diamond Sword:

Long Poison Golden Sword (will have an effect duration of 30 seconds):

Night Vision Wooden Sword:

Strength Stone Sword:

Strong Instant Damage Netherite Sword (will have an effect level of level 2):

NOTE: There will be other effect swords in Minecraft that cannot be crafted (because there is no corresponding effect potion to craft that effect sword), for example "Haste Sword" (haste effect will help players dig faster, but there's no potion recipe to produce that effect). However, they are still in the Creative mode inventory. I will try to create a recipe for effects that I don't know how to do so that I can give the best playing experience
- Some pictures from the game:
Creative mode inventory:

Zombies will have a 100% spawn rate with the effect sword:

Don't forget to enable experimental features of Minecraft for the best addon experience
- If you are going to feature my add-on in YouTube, make sure to give credit to me and don't claim that the creator of this add-on is you.
- If you are going to feature my add-on in YouTube, DO NOT USE MEDIAFIRE OR YOUR OWN LINK, USE THE LINK IN THIS SITE or else I'll REPORT YOU.
- You are not allowed to change any code in this add-on without my permission.
- You are not allowed to publish this add-on to other apps or sites without my permission. For those who are interested to donate money for my Minecraft Addons, you can donate your money here at my PayPal link: https://paypal.me/lethitokhanh
- Effected Swords B (.mcpack): https://up-to-down.net/257120/esBmc
- Effected Swords R (.mcpack): https://up-to-down.net/257120/esRmc