[1.0.0] bum Flora!
![[1.0.0] bum Flora!](https://mcdlhub.com/uploads/images/2021/07/image_750x_60e5edf920462.jpg)
By ClouddSpiderr
Want to add some fresh flowers and plants to your worlds to beautify and feed your bees? You don't have to look any farther because bum Flora has you covered! New flowers and plants will bring your world to life!
Want to spice up your worlds with some new flowers and plants to decorate and feed your bees with? Look no further - bum_Flora has you covered!
This addon introduces 20 new plants to your Minecraft world - 17 flowers and 3 plants (including color variants). All the plants introduced in this addon will generate naturally in your freshly-created worlds and generate in specific biomes!
It's also important to mention that we're aiming for near seamless parity with vanilla flowers for our custom flowers; we still have some things to add, however we have already made sure that bees are attracted to our custom flowers as if they're vanilla flowers!
There's only two types of plants introduced so far - Cattails and Briar Bushes. Briars come in two color varieties and can be found in forests and swamps; Cattails can be found in swamps and alongside rivers!
So what flowers are included currently?
- Dafodils!
---- Come in yellow and white variants.
---- Generate in plains, forests, and taigas.
- Hyacinths!
---- Come in pink, white, purple, and blue variants.
---- Generate in taiga and mountain biomes!
- Iris!
---- Generate in forests, most commonly birch forests!
- Lupines!
---- Come in pink and blue variants.
---- Generate in plains and forests!
- Morning Glory!
---- Generate in mountain and taiga biomes!
- Mums!
---- Come in orange, red, yellow, and white variants!
---- Generate in forests, plains, and taigas!
- Pansies!
---- Generate in mountains, birch forests, and roofed forests!
- Small Roses!
---- Generate in flower forests and sunflower fields!
- Snapdragons!
---- Generate in plains, mountains, and rarely forests.
The rest aren't flowers... but they're still neat!
- Cattails!
--- Generate around rivers and swamps.
- Briar Bushes!
---- Come in light and dark variants.
---- CAREFUL! They do damage to entities that touch them!
---- Generate in forests, taigas, and swamps.
... And that's about everything at the moment!
This addon was created by Clouddspiderr and Vex of TeamBumble and you are free to use this addon however you would like - as long as you give credit and provide a link to this mc pe dl page. This includes the freedom to make videos, use in modpacks, and modify the code for. Just provide credit!
Remember to turn on all three experimental toggles:
– Vex ( @Vex#3442 )
—-: pixel art and design.
– Clouddspiderr ( @clouddspiderr#8523 )
—-: behaviors and design.
Please enjoy this addon and don't hesitate to leave feedback! Expect updates soon with more plants, more parity features, and maybe some other nifty things!
- This addon modifies bee behaviors to work properly. If you use another addon that modifies bees; put this one on top, or take the time to merge the files.