Animated Blocks

Add animations to some blocks to make them flashy during the game while preserving the essence of Minecraft, at the same time enjoy the view or the encounter of these blocks.
What this plugin does is give animations to some blocks, whether it's glitter, motion, or something else. Giving them a pleasant appearance that preserves the essence of Minecraft.
These are just a few of the many animated blocks!
This package is also in charge of giving movement to the plants and the leaves of the trees (only in android)
Important! What do I do if my world appears invisible?
This seems to happen on low-resource devices, in case you have this error you just have to go to the texture files and delete the "shaders" folder, but you will no longer be able to see the wavy movements of the plants.
he texture would be perfect with a good shader, giving more realism to your game of Minecraft.
Add-On Trailer (Caves & Cliffs Update)
Add-on Traier v6
Add-on Trailer v1
This add-on is inspired by the "Blocksmith Hybrid" texture. Because this was never updated to the new textures I decided to do it on my own. The blocks have the same animation but adapted to the new Minecraft textures. None of the textures here are taken from other plugins, they were all made by me.
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The shortener is to get a little money from my work, just with a few seconds of your time you can pay me
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When entering the download you should only skip all the advertising, avoid it and not allow notifications of this, for your safety.
If you are going to make a video about this add-on, you must leave the link to this page and not to the direct download, because when there is an update the previous link will be deactivated.
And please give me credits.
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