Better Transport Add-On V2

By George AL Suri
This addon will add : 5 Transport (quadbike,mp4,jeep,balloon,plane), 5 Car Block For summon Transport ,Fuel, Fuel Maker, Engine, Cupboard, Crafting Car(Crafting Transport), Hummer, 4×Iron block, Wrench and you can make all tools and blocks in Survival or take all tools and blocks from Creative Menu.
To make any item or block you need to make "Crafting Car(Crafting Transpor" first
to make it open the "Crafting table" and search how can make It or see this photo
after Make a Crafting Car you will can make all tools.
to Make Hummer: (3d Hammer)
to Make the 4× iron Block
to Make Cupboard:
to Make Engine:
To Make Fuel You Need Fuel maker
To Make Fuel Maker:
that us a Fuel Maker:
Now To Make Fuel:
click in Fuel Maker With:
1_coal block
2_ender bearl
3_blaze rod
4_glowstone dust
such as this photo:
and aftel you click in fuel maker with bucker you will take a "Fuel"
To Make Quadbike Block:
To Make Mp4 block:
To Make balloon Block:
To Make jeep block:
To Make Plane Block:
put this any block in any way and take the wrench and click with wrench in block and the Transport you make it will summon
But it not work!
all transport need fuel
and the transport will work!
And you can carry the Quadbike,Mp4,Jeep,Plane if you are sneaking and Carry off with jump
but you can't carry the balloon you can leash the balloon
and you can fly up with balloon if you look up and move with it or fly down if you look down and move
you can fly up with plane if you look up and fly down if you look down
and you can have a color transport with Dye
such as
you can kill any transport with Hammer only
finally there is a fuel counter for all transports
Showcase video in my YouTube channel:
Very important activate this options:
And have fun :)