Custom Shields Texture Pack

Are you tired of boring and plain Minecraft shields? Well, this Resource pack is for you!
This resource pack retexture the vanilla shields into something new!
In this first version, there are only 2 Subpacks. But don't worry, there are more to come every week!
In-game Screenshots:
Royal Shield
Red & White
V2: The Flag Update!
This update adds 6 new shields texture including the one that you see in the Thumbnail!
If you already downloaded the v1 of this pack, please delete it before downloading the v2.
•You can activate the other design by changing the subpacks in the Resource Pack Menu.
•All of this is made by myself, i didn't stole somebody's work.
•Please do not distirbute the direct link as it's the only way to support us.(The creators)
•If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message me at twitter: