GGRshader v1.0

What is GGRS?
GGRS is a shader pack for the Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It makes the sky, lighting, terrain in Minecraft looks natural and realistic. GGRS will be very good and naturaly in the future.
Please consider joining our Discord Server. You can report bugs and receive the Beta version of this shader.
• Invite Link:Click here!
This shader has “Glowing Ores”.
You can make a texture of glowing blocks.
How? If you want to know it, please join my discord server ;)
• Realistic Shadow & Lighting
• Beautiful Skycolor & New Realistic Volumetric Cloud
• Beautiful Terrain
• New Realistic Water Surface
• Realistic Underwater Effect
• Better Dimension Coloring
• Natural World Coloring
• Cloud and Sun Reflection on water
• Glowing Ore and Sun Reflection on Metallic blocks
How to customize?
1. Go to "setting.h".
2. Open "setting.h".
3. If you want to disable the feature, write "OFF" If you want to enable the feature, write "ON". and you can edit the value.
Q: "Can I review GGRS on YouTube or other platforms?"
A: "Sure, but don't put any other link than the one listed here."
Q: "Does this shader work on Windows 10?"
A: "There are no shaders works on Windows 10 due to Render Dragon Engine."
Q: "I like the shader so much! How do I support the creator?"
A: "You can support us through rating this shader with 5 Stars,and please introduce my shader somewhere!"
• Android & ios
(it doesn’t support for some iPhones, Example: iPhone11)
Creator’s Twitter: GlinBurning
Official Video: