MCPE/Bedrock Advanced Fishing BE V4:Blazing Fishing Update!

Are you Bored with only Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish & Clownfish to be Fishing in Minecraft Bedrock?
Do you want New Fish that can be Fished & Can be Crafted/Cooked into Resources & Foods?
As it is Written, Your Fishing will be Advanced!

This Addon is Based on a Minecraft Java Mod named "Advanced Fishing" made by Nightkosh! (5m+ Downloads)
Here's the Mod link:
So...Let Me Explain This Addon:
V1: Resourceful Fish

This Addon adds 43 New Fish that can be Fished & Can be Crafted/Cooked into Resources & Foods!
Fishing Loots & Chances:

Oceach = Ocean & Beach
Desavesa = Desert, Mesa & Savanna

Yellow = Uncommon
Blue = Rare
Magenta = Epic
(Like Minecraft Items Rarity Colors)
In All Biomes, You can catch:
60% Normal, 45% Oceach, 25% Desavesa, 13% Snowy & 2% Deep
And In Jungle, You can catch:
60% Jungle, 25% Swamp, 13% Mooshroom & 2% End
You can get All New Fish in Nature Creative Inventory, Sorry for the Mess!
So if you want Neat, Just type:
/function adv_overend_fish (All Overworld & End Fish) & /function adv_deadther_fish (Dead & Nether Fish)
Crafteable Resources:

All the recipes above are Shapeless, Some recipes are Very Useful, So now Fishing will help your Survival More Than Ever!

Only this recipe is Shaped & Only Works on the Crafting Table, So it Doesn't Work in Inventory Crafting!
Cooking Fish:

V2: Plentiful Cooking Update
Now Recipes to Cook Blaze Pike, Mandarinfish, Sunfish, Pike, Angler Fish & Catfish make More Than 1 Cooked Fish!

Amount of Cooked Fish you will get:
Blaze Pike, Mandarinfish & Sunfish =
2 Cooked Salmon
Pike = 3 Cooked Cod
Angler Fish & Catfish = 3 Cooked Salmon
Also Works in Campfire & Soul Campfire!
V3: Suspicious Edible Update
Now All New Fish Can Be Eaten
But Be Careful, Most are Harmful if Eaten!
Mostly causes Hunger lll for 15 Seconds & Nausea ll for 10 Seconds. Some Fish also cause Poison ll for 10 Seconds
Spookyfin is also the same, but Doesn't cause Poison, but Blindness lll for 10 Seconds
Some Nether Fish are the same, but Doesn't cause Poison/Blindness, but Wither ll for 10 Seconds
(Actually Blaze Pike, Flarefin Koi & Magma Jellyfish will Burn Player if Eaten)
Not All Fish are Dangerous To Eat like:
Cave Trout will give Resistance ll For 10 Seconds & Mandarinfish will give you Instant Health ll
(Actually Mandarinfish will give you 1 Full Exp Level)
Blazing Fishing Update V4:

Now Blazing Fishing Pole has been Added!
♦ Durability: 570
♦ Enchantable, some are Useless
♦ Repairable with Blaze Rod & Other Blazing Fishing Pole
♦ Only Catch 45% Nether Fish, 25% Dead Fish & 13% Cave Fish
♦ Uncratable, Only 5% to Find in Ruined Portal, Nether Fortress & All Kinds of Bastion Remnant in Damaged by +85%
♦ If in Creative Mode, it can be Found in the Equipments Category
♦ Or with Function /adv_deadther_fish
How To Use It:
1. Hold the Fishing Pole & No Sneaking Needed
2. Aim Your Crosshair Precisely, Not Too Down/Too Up
3. Android: Press Hold / PC: Right Click & Bow Sound will Appear
4. Blazing Bobber will Summoned & Wait for ±10 Seconds
5. Particles & Sound of Water Splashing will Appear, Bobber Killed & Items Dropped
Blazing Fishing Pole Notes:
♦ I'm Using Some1's Blaze Fishing Rod Code
(But I Fixed & Modified it to be Easier & More Similar to Vanilla Fishing Rod)
♦ This Fishing Pole also has Cooldown for 15 Seconds (To Anticipate Spam Fishing)
♦ Unfortunately, You Still Can't Fish in Lava with Blazing Fishing Pole
(Because the Items you get will be Scorched By The Lava)
♦ Now you Can't Catch Nether Fish, Dead Fish & Cave Fish with Vanilla Fishing Rod
Blazing Bobber Notes:
♦ For the First Time, Bobber Summoned Late because the Game is Loading Command
♦ Sometimes the Bobber can Float On The Water, but sometimes it even Sinks For A Moment
♦ This Bobber is Eternal, doesn't receive Damage / Knockback from Any Source
♦ This Bobber will Despawn if it Touches Ground & Lava, so make sure you Fishing in a Water Sources that is More Than 3x3x3 Blocks
♦ Sometimes Bobber Despawn also because your Fishing Angle is Not Right
♦ Items In 10 Blocks will be Sucked into the Closest Player Every Time the Bobber Summoned & Killed
(All Notes Above are Made to Match Vanilla & to Fix On-Land Fishing)
Spooky Recipes:

Now Bonefish can be Crafted into 4 Bones & Green Jellyfish can be Crafted into Slime Ball
World Languages:
This Add-on is No Longer Only Available in English, Now Available in:
♦ German
♦ English
♦ Spanish
♦ French
♦ Italian
♦ Brazilian Portuguese
♦ Russian
♦ Ukrainian
♦ Chinese (Simplified)
♦ And Taiwan (Traditional)
♦ All New Fish can Only Be Cooked to Cooked Cod & Salmon
♦ All Vanilla Fish Still can be Fished, But New Fish are Rarer to Keep Balance!
♦ Only Holiday Creator Features that Must Be Enabled!

♦ Recommended playing this Addon in Version 1.17.0+
Fun Facts ?
♦ Some Notes are Known Bugs!
♦ Sometimes you can get Zonk while Fishing, maybe the Fish Escaped?
♦ And "Jellyfish" Real Name is "Blue Jellyfish"
Special Thanks!
♦ Original Mod Maker, Nightkosh for His Mod & His Permission!
♦ And Some1 for Allowing Me to Use His Blaze Fishing Rod Code!
Permission Proof from Nightkosh & Some1:

Join My Discord!
For Better Conversations With Me!
♦ Blazing Fishing Pole has been Added
♦ Spooky Recipes for Bonefish & Green Jellyfish
♦ More Languages for Players from Different Country
♦ Updated Addon Descriptions, Some might be Important, so Read Carefully!
Please learn How To Install Addons on Youtube, Definitely Help You! ?
creator: 乙んリひ尺の~ズひ刀