MCPE/Bedrock All Particles In Minecraft Bedrock (Nether Updated!)

Ever wanted to use particles in your map? We have over 100 right here! Learn how to use all of them for yourself with ease! This creation is great for those who'd like to see and use all of the particles of Minecraft Bedrock Edition. There aren't many places to find this kind of information directly, so we have made it convenient for you. Enjoy!
Welcome to another Quartz creation! Simply switch the lever to view each particle. If you wish to see each of their commands, press the button in the beginning of the map. Then, simply right click (or tap) on the command block to view its code.
As always, we test our commands before releasing them to the public. We still have a couple (about 7) of the 100+ commands do not work. Hopefully, we will have them fixed in a future update.
Creators: ItsDandD, Iwanamalawi
Check out my Youtube
A sneak peak of some of the many unique particles:

Ticks have been added to reduce lag. The obsidian tear particle has been added (thanks to PINEAPPLES). The description has also been slightly reworded.