MCPE/Bedrock Animated Blocks | Mineral Expansion

This add-on adds animations in the blocks to give a more dynamic and beautiful look to your game. This time all the minerals with their respective blocks have new animations. I will be adding progressively more.
In this version the following blocks are animated:
Emerald block/Emerald ore/Deepslate Emerald ore.
Lapis block/Lapis ore/Deepslate Lapis ore.
Gold block/Gold ore/Deepslate Gold ore.
Copper block/Copper ore/Deepslate copper ore.
Diamond block/Diamond ore/Deepslate Diamond ore.
Redstone block/Redstone ore/Deepslate Redstone ore.
Iron block/Iron ore/Deepslate Iron ore.
Coal block/Coal ore/Deepslate Coal ore

Very soon I will add new expansions
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-You will be able to download the map. Sorry not to offer direct downloads but in my situation this alternative really helps me a lot, I hope you know how to understand me and thank you very much for the support 💜