MCPE/Bedrock AP Shader

Hello, do you want a simple shader that works on low spec devices?,you love simplicity? Then this shader is for you! This shader has low file size for about less than one mb! Cool right! It has improved lighting and decent look pretty much the same as normal but it has waves such as water and leaves waving which is nice!

This is AP Shader a simple shader I created, it improves the game look in survival world & creative builds,it can be easily downloaded here and can be putted in your game easily because it has both zip and mcworld file format.
Note:I created everything found in this shader!

Improved game look,better lighting and shadow of course,relaxing waves of leaves and water simple water and lava texture,decent day and night atmosphere
Check this pictures:

creator: Popoi
I added a note in the main description its like a credits or a short info..
Download the file below just choose one in the two
Zip:Just unzip the file then move the folder to games/com.mojang/resource_pack/
Mcpack:Just share/open the file to Minecraft