MCPE/Bedrock Armor Slime

Hello, the Armor Slime add-on brings you new slime armor that is very easy to get and easy to craft all the armor and with new tools - MORE INFORMATION BELOW HERE
New armor slime addon (slime ore is naturally generated)

Find the mineral when you chip it's it will give you 2 balls of slime

By having the 2 slime balls or me.. you need an oven when you have it cook the slime balls and it will give you the slime ingot with which you an craft armor and tools and a decorative block

The new slime Helmet gives you jump boost and regeneration(the jump boost is not in the boots because a slime boots addon already exists and l don't want yo copy an idea because there are some creators who rey hard and others just copy so today the jump drive is un the slime Helmet)

Although it looks better witch the armor on it gives a better quality

Give a good boost

Everything has a crafting

This just a decorative block (as well as the diamond block)

This is all the addon adds

The tools have 25 damage and to repair them you need an emerald
enjoy the new addon🤠
I have made a change with the new slime armor since it will allow you to facilitate because the armor gives you regeneration and jump so the armor is very good the weapons are with 25 damage (the addon is not copied oh created by someone else like to copy other addons like it)