MCPE/Bedrock Block-in!

Blocking in is an integral part of offense and getting treasure breaks, while sometimes not necessary, can be an incredible skill to master. This world intends to help the common players, be it an experienced player, or a newer guy in the scene, to get more consistent and faster block-ins. It is complete with a hotkey organizer, defense selector, and a zombie defender to imitate a real situation.
Below are pictures of the block-in world:
First, we have the lobby:

Next, we have the Hotkey Organizer:

Then, we have the Defense Selector:

and lastly, the Defender Settings:

If you see anyone sharing this file without linking the original page, please inform me on my Discord: DoneAccount#3791
Known Issues:
- The Defense Selector and Defender Settings do not save the settings upon leaving and re-entering the room.
- Occasionally, the zombie defender freezes due to a Minecraft bug. Re-entering the practice chamber will fix it temporarily.
- The items given to you in the Defense Selector may switch order due to it using /structure command.
- Instructions may not be given if the player mutes chat.