MCPE/Bedrock Bredbrear's Custom Superflats

Hello! Welcome to Bredbear's Custom Superflats! There are currently 10 superflat templates available for you to download and create. If you would like to suggest a custom superflat for me to post here or want one made specifically for you, you can comment here or email me at "[email protected]".
Superflat Templates:

Red Sand - 8
Red Sandstone - 52
Stone - 3
Bedrock - 1

Sand - 8
Sandstone - 52
Stone - 3
Bedrock - 1

Mycelium - 1
Dirt - 4
Stone - 58
Bedrock - 1

The Nether (yes, you can place water)
Netherrack - 63
Bedrock - 1

Water World
Water 100
Sand - 4
Dirt - 5
Stone - 18
Bedrock - 1

Grass - 1
Dirt - 4
Stone - 58
Bedrock - 1

Snowy Tundra
Top Snow - 1
Grass - 1
Dirt - 4
Stone - 58
Bedrock - 1

The End
End Stone - 63
Bedrock - 1

The Void
Air - 256

Stone - 63
Bedrock - 1
- Added "Stone Superflat"
- Added option to download all the templates at once
- MCC Tool Chest (Used to make the worlds)
- Stone_Superflat.mctemplate
- Badlands_Superflat.mctemplate
- Desert_Superflat.mctemplate
- Mycelium_Superflat.mctemplate
- Nether_Superflat.mctemplate
- Ocean_Superflat.mctemplate
- Plains_Superflat.mctemplate
- Snowy_Superflat.mctemplate
- The_End_Superflat.mctemplate
- Bredbears_Superflats.mcaddon
- Void_Superflat.mctemplate