MCPE/Bedrock CascoDE

Hello everyone, here I bring my first and new addon for minecraft pe called CascoDE this addon brings to our minecraft pe several special helmets, an object and a new monster. I hope you enjoy.
Activate experimental mode to make it work.
This addon brings several things to your minecraft pe:
Emerald Diamond Helmet:
This helmet gives 5 armor, 3 hearts and the effect of hero of the village.

Redstone Plated Emerald Diamond Helmet:
This helmet gives 7 armor, 5 hearts, the village hero effect, and fire resistance.

Redstone Plated Emerald Diamond Helmet 2:
Este casco otorga 7 armaduras, 5 corazones, el efecto de héroe de la aldea, resistencia al fuego y visión nocturna.

Emerald Zombie:
It has the same abilities as a normal zombie but changes in that it has 25 health, when it hits it gives the effect of nausea and when it dies it gives an emerald fragment.

Also bring the emerald shards are crafted by putting an emerald one on the crafting table.

Here I bring a review of addon in Spanish from my YouTube channel
It's all in English and you keep telling me that it requires English