MCPE/Bedrock Castle Duloc

(Disclaimer:) The Conquest Texture Pack was used to create this. While we don't own it and can't include it in the world, it is highly recommended to download it and enable it, the map will look so much better with it!
Duloc is a medieval castle that you can use for Roleplay or as a Survival Map (in that case we recommend lighting it up).
It has a number of features like a treasury room filled with goods, a great hall, a keep, a lord's tower, a barrack tower and a kitchen.

Built by Yavin from TimeCube Productions
Thanks to Conquest Reforged team for the texture pack used in the images, and thanks to Bagethesaiyan (also from TimeCube Productions) for choosing the name!
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NOTE: You may publicly use this map on servers or realms as long as you provide credit and a direct link to this page!
• Updated the map’s description
• Updated the map to later versions of the game
• Fixed the download link
You can choose to download either the .mcworld or .zip! We recommend trying the .mcworld file first and exporting it directly into the game, but if that fails simply unzip the .zip in your worlds folder.