MCPE/Bedrock CasualSkinPack 7.6 [+110 New Skins] [More Squid Game Skins]

MCPE/Bedrock CasualSkinPack 7.6 [+110 New Skins] [More Squid Game Skins]

Casual Skin Pack has all the skins you want! It includes anime, games, horror, rappers and much more!

This skin pack contains 3.020skins divided into 2 parts.

CasualSkinPack Halloween Ed. contains 160+ skins

If there is a bug or you want a skin to be added to the skin pack, tell me in the comments. 


You can follow me on:

TWITTER  Here you can suggest some skins you want in the next update.


XBOX: @SimonITA23

Many of you noticed that after importing a skin pack, some skins start to glitch randomly. This issue was reported on the Mojang website:…   I invite you to upvote it.


If you want to make a video about Casual Skin Pack, make sure to add the link of this page in the description and not the direct link to the MediaFire page. This is important since coding a skin pack is difficult and I need to use these shorteners to support my content. I will never put a direct link.


Part 1:

  • Boy skins
  • Girl skins
  • Mob skins
  • Singers
  • Videogames (Anime Games, Nintendo, FNAF, Sony, Cuphead, SEGA and much more)
  • YouTubers

Part 2:

  • Anime skins (May contains spoiler)
  • Meme skins
  • Marvel movies and others
  • Cartoons
  • TV Series
  • Horror skins
  • And others



1. Is Linkvertise safe?

Yes ,it is.

It's also one of the safest shorteners since there aren't annoying pop ads with a lot of viruses, +18 ads and other ads that are, sometimes, impossible to close.

2.Do I really have to read an article to get to the download?

   No, you have only to wait 12 seconds and close it.

3. Why do I have to pay Linkvertise Premium?

     You don't have to pay for it. If Linkvertise forces you to do that is   because you have an AdBlock extension or other.


How to download

  • Download both two parts of the skin pack in the Casual Skin Pack web page (If the link of the webpage IS NOT WORKING, use the alternate links)
  • Wait 5 seconds
  • Click "Discover Interesting Articles" and wait 10 seconds
  • Proceed to Mediafire and download the file
  • When you downloaded it, the mcpack should import himself in Minecraft. if you downloaded the .zip file you have to unzip it in games/com.mojang/skin_packs (in android/ios)
  • Enjoy the skin pack!
