MCPE/Bedrock Cavern v2.1: More Rocks Addon (Now with Slabs)

Cavern is an addon that adds more variety to caves and the end, and is designed with the Caves and Cliffs update in mind. Cavern adds over 200 new blocks, including over 75 slabs! Among these blocks includes more rocks outside of the vanilla diorite, andesite, granite, and tuff, polished and brick variants of these rocks, new ores, new block varieties of vanilla stones, and a new tool tier for early game players.
The Cavern 2.1: Depths and Construction update adds slabs for most rocks and other decorative blocks, as well as new deepslate ores, polished bricks for Diorite, Granite, and Andesite, language support for Chinese and Russian, improved many textures, added blocks to the creative inventory, and made the game compatible with 1.18!
One of the biggest features of Cavern, are the bounty of new rocks and stones that naturally generate in your world. All of these stones can be crafted into Polished and Brick variants. The rocks generate in the following y-levels. Explore the world to discover them all!
120-256: Chert, Diabase, Pegmatite
50-120: Shale, Rhyolite, Dacite
8-40: Marble, Mariposite, Gneiss
-32-10: Hornfels, Phyllite
-64-0: Amphibolite, Schist
Rivers: River Rock (50-60), Mud (40-62), Mudstone (33-49)
Swamps: Mud (59-62), Mudstone (49-59)
Beaches/Ocean (-30-0) Gabbro
Beaches (0-60) Dolostone, Limestone
Ocean (-12-60) Limestone, Novaculite, Dolostone
Ocean Floor: Diatomite
Desert/Badlands (20-256) Gypsum, Siltstone
Beach Shores: White Sand
In addition to these new rocks, there are also new variants of vanilla materials, like brick versions of granite, diorite, and andesite, banded, cobbled, and brick versions of sandstone, as well as polished cobblestone.
Cavern also adds a few tweaks to crafting recipes to help make blocks more useful and keep your inventory a bit less cluttered. All custom rocks, Sandstone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Blackstone, and End Stone can now replace cobblestone in crafting recipes.
Flint Ore generates between y 7 and 256. It can be crafted into blocks of flint and flint tools. Flint tools have the same efficiency of iron, the damage of stone, and a durability between iron and stone. Be sure to still upgrade to iron though, as flint cannot mine all ores!
Feldspar Ore generates between y -24 and 100. It currently can be crafted into feldspar blocks and hardened glass/glass panes. Hardened glass is an education edition block that I’ve implemented in survival. The more noticeable border and longer break time may be useful in certain builds.
Mica Ore also generates between y -24 and 100. It currently can be used to craft mica blocks and tan dye. When combining white and tan dye, the new peach dye can also be created. Tan/Peach variants of sheetrock, stained/hardened glass, wool, concrete/concrete powder, and terracotta are available to craft. (Glazed terracotta is currently unimplimented due to many bugs.)

Ruby Ore generates very rarely between y -64 and 4. Rubies can be crafted into blocks, or traded with wandering traders for valuable items. This feature is currently expiremental.
2 Rubies :1 - Totem of Undying
3:3 - Golden Apple
1:16 - Prismarine
5:1 - Heart of the Sea
12:1 - Lodestone
1:20 - TNT
3:1 - Ender Eye
4:1 - Sponge
Gypsum and Sheetrock
Gypsum is a special type of rock unlike any other. It is exclusie to the desert/badlands biomes and cannot be crafted into polished/brick variants. Instead, it drops gypsum powder, which can be used to craft white sand or sheetrock. Sheetrock is a new family of decorative blocks with a pastel color palette.

End Features
Cavern also adds new blocks to the End. End Stone now can be crafted into chiseled, cracked brick, smooth, and cut variants. End sand is a new type of sand in the end that can be smelted into a new kind of glass. Two new types of rocks, Pearlstone and Voidstone, will now generate in the end and can be crafted into polished/cut variants. Pearlstone can also be crafted into ender pearls. Purpur has been reworked to be crafted from purpurite- which is obtained from naturally generating ore. This purpurite can be crafted into blocks, new polished variants, and the vanilla cut block. There are also a handful of other end themed editions such as obsidian bricks, naturally generating gilded obsidian, and end lamp blocks.
End Block Generation:
(y-0+) - Purpurite Ore
(40+) End Sand, End Dust
(0-50) Pearlstone
(0-30) Voidstone
(0-25) Gilded Obsidian

Below are some picture of Overworld generation in 1.17

Here are some screenshots of generation in 1.18

Terms of Use
You are free to edit this addon for personal use, but you may not upload a modified or normal version of this addon to another site, or take credit for my work.
You may feature it in any Youtube Video, but please link back to this page. (Also let me know if you do, I’d love to see it!)
Known Issues
- Custom blocks are broken at the same speed no matter the tool, and can be broken with your hand. (Use flint tools to mine blocks faster. Cannot be fixed.)
- End glass and peach/tan hardenend and stained glass have a dark shadow underneath when placed. (Currently fixing)
- Fortune does not work on custom blocks. (Cannot be fixed)
- Stripping, tilling, and making dirt paths do not remove durability from flint tools or make sound. (Partially fixing)
- Peach/tan wool doesn’t catch fire. (Currently fixing)
- Blast resistance of some blocks are incorrect. (Currently fixing)
- Peach/tan glazed terracotta currently do not work. (Currently fixing)
- White Sand, End Sand, River Rock, Gypsum, End Dust, Pearlstone, Voidstone, Mud, Sandstone Bricks, Polished voidstone/pearlstone, and Polished Cobblestone don’t appear in the correct categories in the creative inventory. (Currently fixing)
- Flint tools are not repairable with flint (Currently fixing)
In Minecraft versions before 1.16.210, custom rocks and ores will not generate after logging out of the world for the first time.
The Minecraft 1.16 version of Cavern is no longer supported and will not recieve further future content, quality of life updates, or bug fixes, but will still be available for download.
Coming Soon
There are currently many planned features for Cavern. The next major update will be smaller so I can focus on fixing bugs, improving textures, and polishing some things. But be prepared for more building blocks, some new features, and more language support.
Please reach out to me via Discord or email if you are interested in translating Cavern into your native language, have found issues with curent translations, or would like to help continue to support Chinese/Russian through update 2.2.
In light of Mud being added to Minecraft in 1.19, Mud and Mudstone will either be removed from Cavern, or renamed in the next update.
Contact Me
If you would like to leave feedback/suggestions, report a bug, help develop Cavern, help translate into your language, or just chat with the community, join our discord here: . This Discord server will also be the place where all addon announcements, betas, and pre-releases will be!
If you don’t have Discord, you can also contact me by sending an email to [email protected]
- Added slabs for all varieties of gabbro, rhyolite, mudstone, sandstone, dacite, shale, schist, gneiss, marble, limestone, diabase, pegmatite, novaculite, phyllite, chert, siltstone, river rock, mariposite, amphibolite, hornfels, dolostone, purpur/purpurite, obsidian bricks, end stone (excluding vanilla blocks), pearlstone, voidstone, and polished cobblestone
- Updated textures for marble, polished marble, marble bricks, pearlstone, schist, phyllite, polished phyllite, phyllite bricks.
- Added support for Chinese and Russian
- Added Deepslate Ruby, Mica, Feldspar, and Flint Ores
- Removed creative clay and added all blocks to the creative menu.
- Fixed a bug where flint pickaxes would not mine copper blocks
- Removed the phyllite brick item
- Removed the Extra and Classic generation options.
- Updated Cavern to work in 1.18
Make sure to enable experimental features and education edition!

When adding the Cavern behavior pack to your world, be sure to press the gear to configure the generation. By default, it’s on 1.18, but you can also select 1.17, or Builder’s Edition (used in both versions). The builder’s edition config will disable generation completely. Since many blocks can only be obtained naturally, this is not recommended for survival mode.
To get this addon download either the ZIP or MCPACK files in the downloads below. All of these files are direct downloads, so you don’t have to worry about sketchy ads or viruses from Link Shorteners.
If you don’t know how to apply addons to Minecraft, I recommend looking for a tutorial on youtube for your device
Before importing the Cavern files, put them inside of your Minecraft folder. If you try to import it outside of the Minecraft folder, you will get errors.