MCPE/Bedrock Chairs Plus Scary Salesmen! Add-on

All this running around in Minecraft would get anyone tired. Need some chairs? We have some chairs? Lots of chairs. And a salesman to ... sell them to you. Sort of. You'll see.
inecraft is so strenuous!! No sitting! Just walking, standing, running, standing, running, and walking. All. The. Live. Long. Day. No wonder you fall asleep so quickly at night time.
We're here to fix that for you. And not just in Creative mode.
How to get chairs in Survival mode

- Defeat a chair salesman. They've sort of lost their marbles, maybe they didn't sell enough chairs, the rigors of having to meet overly-ambitious sales targets finally proving too much. We don't know, that's the consensus theory at this point. All you need to know is if you're out wandering around a Plains biome at night, and hear some maniacal laughter, it's probably YOU. But if not, you just may have found a chair salesman and it's probably curtains. If you manage to defeat them there's a chance they'll drop a chair. Doesn't seem to happen often, so, don't get your hopes up.
- Cheat them in!! Not recommended because the guilt will drive you crazy. Maybe *that's* what caused the chair salesman to become crazy. They CHEATED in chairs. And then sold them for profit. Must be.
Lots of chairs to pick from:

They all operate the same way. Put down a chair, sit on it. When you want to move it, chop it up, it will drop its spawn egg. Easy!

Our Youtube channel here!
We read all of our youtube comments, if you have something to say about our addons, please let us know!
To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page* . Cheers!
A bunch of improvements; the salesman drops all chairs, no messing with the wandering trader trade table, various sound improvements.