MCPE/Bedrock Cheb Pack 2

MCPE/Bedrock Cheb Pack 2

Welcome to my second Cheb Pack! This pack may seem random, but I'm a superhero nerd and had a lot of fun making this one. So, let me introduce you to the Shazam Chebs! In total, I have included six different Shazam suits from the movie, with Black Adam and old wizard Shazam suits thrown into the bunch. I thought this would be a cool way to grow the Chebverse since you could use this skin pack with a group of friends and be the next best superhero group! Anyway, enjoy Cheb Pack 2 and I hope to see you in the next one!


(Billy) Shazam Cheb

(Pedro) Shazam Cheb

(Freddy) Shazam Cheb

(Eugene) Shazam Cheb

(Mary) Shazam Cheb

(Darla) Shazam Cheb

Black Adam Cheb

Wizard Shazam Cheb


Changed the introduction to the skin pack and the images used to show each skin.

creator: MrMartianMan