MCPE/Bedrock ColorCastle

ColorCastle is a unique multiplayer map, hosted by YOU! It is a mix of challenges, adventures, and secrets. It's kind of like "Jackbox games", if you've ever heard of it. Regardless, I hope you find what I've made worth downloading and giving a go! Notice: this map requires a decent internet connection and friends to play with!

ColorCastle is a map that I would call a "hosted map". The idea is that you, the world owner, hosts the map, and is a sort of "game show host" for everyone else. This means you, the downloader, have a big influence on how the game goes!
The map is split up into two "chapters". Those will be gone over later, for now, let's explain some more!

A minecraft map that YOU host!
ColorCastle is a hosted map. Essentially, you open the doors between levels, speak during special events, and some other stuff that's best to be discovered. As the host, your job is to oversee everyone in the map, and operate the map fairly (or not), to help (or try to prevent) the players trying to get to the end.
This mechanic is based on who is in creative mode. So if you give someone else creative mode, and set your own mode to adventure, that's all you need to change hosts. And don't worry! There are lots of tutorial messages, books etc. to help you run the map smoothly.

Bring 3-10 friends to play!
A hosted map is useless without contestants! Because of how the map works, 3-10 players is the recommended player size.
However, you can play with more or with less, but the experience may be less comfortable. The map has been designed to help keep players where they are, so overcrowding the map should not be an issue.
The highest player count ever achieved during testing was 18 players, and people were starting to get their views blocked by other players. Which by the way, yes, this map has been tested a lot!!

18 various courses!
The first half of the map is made up of 18 courses, 5 intermissions, and an undisclosed amount of secrets (and secret routes?).
These challenges are more than parkour! They consist of:
-mob battles
-parkour challenges
-a find the button, quiz, simon says, and dropper game!
The challenges get progressively harder but are never too hard. This is not one of those parkour tower maps that most people couldnt dream to get to the end of (and that is by design). There are ways you can make the map more challenging if you want to!

Discover the secrets of the castle...
Are you a sucker for secrets? Me too! This map is full of many secrets, and I would discuss them more in-depth, but it's safe to say that a good third of the map's weight is secret content.
There are also secrets that you always encounter, but are not revealed until you experience them. The secrets come in many types of forms, so if you're an Indiana Jones of games like I am, have fun!!

Explore the unknown!
The big "secret" in the map is the entirety of the second half of the map, which is just as if not more content dense as the first one.
On this side, you don't control the map a lot, instead, players traverse through broken ruins and uncover mysteries. If you want you can be malicious and fishing-rod people off of pathways, but this section is hard for a lot of players to get very far through. Mainly during this part, you, the host, will just watch over everyone.
This area has two checkpoints, so don't worry about the hassle of running back to the start with everything!

Challenge the (??????)!
It awaits your arrival.

Other stuff:
Spectator mode
If anyone is frustrated, but wants to stick around, spectator mode allows you to watch other players play through the map. It won't let you progress further than you should, and is designed to be an alternative to being a 8yrold on an ipad that can hardly pass the second zone.
Ranking system
The map will record how many times the entire team has died. At the end of the map, past the (??????), your team will receive a ranking based on how many times you died. Because factoring both player count and deaths would be a mathematical nightmare I am ready for, expect worse ranks for larger teams. If you've got skilled players, try and shoot for the stars to get the mythical X rank.
Thanks to everyone who helped this project become a reality!

major contributors
people who helped build a few large structures, or helped me learn lots of new command block tricks.
minor contributors
people who helped build a small structure or two, assisted at one point, or taught me some neat tips when building the map.
people who allowed me to use some of their work in my map.
Fluxxy is a music artist and allowed me to use one of his songs for the (??????). channel:
BONY162 allowed me to use a small piece of his code from his mob resizer mod. channel:
-you MAY modify the map and redistribute, but with credit and permission from me.
-you MAY upload content about my map anywhere. If you do, I would love for you to show me it! ?
-you MAY NOT redistribute the map without credit nor permission from me.
-if it's money related, with the exception of youtube, please contact me first!
-if you're not sure, contact me first!
ALSO: if you have tested the map before and download it, you may not spawn where you're supposed to. This can easily be fixed by typing /kill @s .
That's it! Thanks for reading everything, and I hope you enjoy hosting my map!
If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at [email protected] !
current version: 1.0

-added the trailer to the map's page
-cleaned up the map's page a little
-made a cover image that actually fits the dimensions
-added the trailer to the map's page
-cleaned up the map's page a little
-made a cover image that actually fits the dimensions