MCPE/Bedrock Creator Packs-Vertical Slabs

There are 51 brand-new blocks in this addon!
Every vertical slab has the corresponding slab in the game. You can use these vertical slabs in your game to build more beautiful buildings.
-Vertical Slabs-

Vertical Slabs

Vertical Copper Slabs:
1.They can be oxidized.
2.It will not continue to oxidize after waxing.[1]
3.You can use the honeycomb to wax the copper cut slabs.
4.You can use an axe to remove wax or rust from cut copper slabs.

[Some features are temporarily unavailable.]
Method of Obtaining
1.You can place three raw materials vertically on the crafting table to get them, as demonstrated in the picture below.

2.Put the raw materials into the stonecutter to get them.

3.Type "/function give_slabs","/function give_slabs2" or "/give" in the chat box to get them.[2]

Effect in Game
1.Each vertical slab has four orientations, which are related to the player's perspective when placed.[3]

2.Click this vertical slab again with the vertical slab of the same material to merge them together.[4]
3.Wooden blocks can be ignited and burned.[5][6]

4.Their collection box is only half the size of a block.[7]

5.Their texture fits perfectly with the corresponding blocks in the original game,and they fit any texture packs.(Except vertical smooth stone slabs)

Known Bugs
[1]:Vertical cut copper slabs cannot be waxed through the dispenser.
[2]:They cannot be found in the inventory of creative mode
[3]:Currently this addon can’t judge the direction of the vertical slab by clicking on a surface of the block.
[4]:Now it is not possible to set the digging tool.
[5]:Wooden vertical slabs will not be ignited by lava.
[6]:Wooden vertical slabs cannot be used as fuel.
[7]:Adhesive block like torch and redstone wire can be placed on the vertical slabs,but vertical slabs cannot contain water.
(The above problems cannot be solved temporarily, but will continue to be optimized in future updates.)
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There are no addon content updates in this update!
-Added download link for older version (v1.3.5).
This add-on only supports version and higher!
creator: LPaicen