MCPE/Bedrock Custom Flat Land with Full EDU and Unobtainable Items

Greetings Everyone!
Have you ever wanted a flat world that wasn't a plains biome? Or perhaps wished you could create an underground base on a flat world? Or maybe, just maybe, you just wanted to see all of the EDU and secret blocks in minecraft without all the hassle of toolbox and addons. Well, here's all of that in one world just for you! No add-ons or texture packs required.
In this world, I've given you a flat world set in a flower forest biome that is exactly 100 blocks deep, with all of the EDU items sorted out in Shulkers and barrels for your convenience in a mini lab!
And in this new update, I've rechecked and updated the shulkers since a few seemed to have been messed up in the last minecraft update. Everything should be there again.

But that's not all I took the time to create a helpful book that tells you everything you need to know, from the world build to my social media!

Second to last thing, you can respawn all the items and the Lab wherever you want, justfollow these simple instructions
Type /give @s structure_block 1 (in chat)
Place the structure block where you want the lab.
Go into the block and change the mode to LOAD

Then type the name LAB (in caps) for the structure name.
Then, just tap load.
However, if you can't figure out how to use the structure block, the owner of the world should look in their enderchest. They'll find all the Shulkers in there as well.

Also, I made a Showcase video!
Changed some of the map description.
Updated to 1.17
Redid some shulkers due to glitches from mc update.
Also added a little more decoration to the inside of the lab.
If a .mcworld file doesn't work for your device, rename the .mcworld to .zip and manually place the world files in your game's worlds folder.