MCPE/Bedrock Damian's Bedrock++ Add-on

With the new beta, comes new possibilities. Have you ever wanted to have a Emerald Sword in your game? Well this is the add-on for you! It contains lots of cool features! This add-on is just ideal for survival mode.
This add-on aims to add just random things that I think are pretty cool. This add-on is just ideal for survival mode.
Emerald Sword:
Damage: 6
Durability: 500

It is fully enchantable, you can use enchanting table or anvil!
Here are some photos:

As you can see Sharpness enchant fully works!

It is fully repairable as well as you can see!

Also to prove this is custom sword here are some photos:

Emerald Pickaxe:
Damage: 4
Durability: 512

Emerald Axe:
Damage: 5
Durability: 512

Emerald Shovel:
Damage: 3
Durability: 512

Emerald Hoe:
Damage: 2
Durability: 512

Lapis Sword:
Damage: 4
Durability: 512

Lapis Pickaxe:
Damage: 2
Durability: 512

Lapis Axe:
Damage: 3
Durability: 512

Lapis Shovel:
Damage: 1
Durability: 512

Lapis Hoe:
Damage: 1
Durability: 512

Lapis Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 10
Durability: 1000

All Lapis items will get the best enchantments in enchanting table!
Wooden Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 12
Durability: 500

Stone Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 13
Durability: 700

Golden Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 12
Durability: 500

Iron Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 14
Durability: 1000

Emerald Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 14
Durability: 2000

Diamond Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 15
Durability: 3200

Netherite Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 16
Durability: 2500

Ultimate Paxel(Multitool):
Damage: 40
Durability: 6500

There are also big sword for almost all materials, there may be more in the future!
Diamond Big Sword:
Damage: 14
Durability: 1024

Emerald Big Sword:
Damage: 12
Durability: 800

Iron Big Sword:
Damage: 12
Durability: 800

Lapis Big Sword:
Damage: 8
Durability: 500

Golden Big Sword:
Damage: 8
Durability: 500

Stone Big Sword:
Damage: 11
Durability: 700

You can now make stone tools from all stones in the game! This means you can now make stone tools from stone, cobblestone, diorite, andesite, granite and blackstone!

All new tools are enchantable and repairable!
There are 2 new ores added in this add-on and these are: Titanium Ore and Uranium Ore.
They are used to make ultimate armor and ultimate tools.
New ores generate naturally in your overwold.
Coordinates you will find them at are from 10 to 24.

Titanium and Uranium ores will now drop Raw Titanium and Raw Uranium instead of blocks.

You can also now smelt Raw Titanium and Uranium to get Titanium and Uranium ingots:

Added new crafting table:
It is used to craft all ultimate weapons and ultimate armor.
Ultimate Crafting Table recipe:
It is crafted with 3 titanium ingots, 2 iron ingots, 1 crafting table and 3 uranium ingot.

Ultimate Helmet:
Armor Points: 5
Knockback Resistance: 4

Ultimate Chestplate:
Armor Points: 9
Knockback Resistance: 4

Ultimate Leggings:
Armor Points: 7
Knockback Resistance: 4

Ultimate Boots:
Armor Points: 5
Knockback Resistance: 4

Iron Stick is used to craft all the ultimate tools. It is crafted with 2 iron ingots.

Ultimate Sword:
Damage: 30
Durability: 5000

Ultimate Pickaxe:
Damage: 28
Durability: 5000

Ultimate Axe:
Damage: 29
Durability: 5000

Ultimate Shovel:
Damage: 27
Durability: 5000

Ultimate Hoe:
Damage: 26
Durability: 5000

Added second new crafting table:
Magical Crafting Table
It is used to craft Cloud Boots and Enchanted Apples.


Golden Feather:
It's an item that is used to craft Cloud Boots.

Cloud Boots:
Protection: 4
Knockback Resistance: 4
These are inspired by Chocolate Quest(Better Dungeons) mod for Java Edition. If it's possible I will try to make them work just like in Chocolate Quest(Better Dungeons) mod, but for now they are just normal boots. (Coming Soon 😎🤙)

Withered Bone:
Drops from: Wither Skeleton.
Currently has no use.
Crafting Recipe:

There are also a few new food types!
Hoglin no longer drops porkchops. It has it's own meat type now thanks to this add-on.
Hoglin now drops: 2-5 Raw Hoglin Meat or 2-5 Cooked Hoglin Meat if he is burning.
Looting works with this. With looting you can get up to 8 meats from 1 Hoglin.
Raw Hoglin Meat:
Hunger points: 4
Saturation: Low
Cooked Hoglin Meat:
Hunger points: 10
Saturation: High

This add-on also adds a bunch of new apples from my other add-on, Mo'Apples.
Lapis Apple
Hunger points: 5
Saturation: Super Natural
• Speed for 100 seconds on level 1
Crafting Recipe:

Quartz Apple
Hunger points: 5
Saturation: Super Natural
• Fire Resistance for 100 seconds on level 1
Crafting Recipe:

Redstone Apple
Hunger points: 5
Saturation: Super Natural
• Haste for 100 seconds on level 1
• Speed for 100 seconds on level 1
Crafting Recipe:

Copper Apple
Hunger points: 10
Saturation: Super Natural
• Speed for 100 seconds on level 1
• Strength for 100 seconds on level 1
Crafting Recipe:

Iron Apple
Hunger points: 10
Saturation: Super Natural
• Resistance for 250 seconds on level 2
• Speed for 250 seconds on level 3
• Strength for 250 seconds on level 2
Crafting Recipe:

Diamond Apple
Hunger points: 20
Saturation: Super Natural
• Absorbtion for 500 seconds on level 3
• Fire Resistance for 500 seconds on level 5
• Health Boost for 500 seconds on level 4
• Night Vision for 500 seconds on level 1
• Regeneration for 500 seconds on level 5
• Resistance for 500 seconds on level 5
• Speed for 500 seconds on level 5
• Strength for 500 seconds on level 5
Crafting Recipe:

Emerald Apple
Hunger points: 15
Saturation: Super Natural
• Haste for 150 seconds on level 1
• Village Hero for 500 seconds on level 1
• Invisibility for 100 seconds on level 1
• Jump Boost for 150 seconds on level 1
• Regeneration for 200 seconds on level 3
• Resistance for 350 seconds on level 3
Crafting Recipe:

Netherite Apple
Hunger points: 30
Saturation: Super Natural
• Absorbtion for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Fire Resistance for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Haste for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Health Boost for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Jump Boost for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Night Vision for 5000 seconds on level 1
• Regeneration for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Resistance for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Speed for 5000 seconds on level 10
• Strength for 5000 seconds on level 10
Crafting Recipe:

Enchanted Lapis Apple
Hunger points: 10
Saturation: Super Natural
• Speed for 200 seconds on level 2
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Enchanted Quartz Apple
Hunger points: 10
Saturation: Super Natural
• Fire Resistance for 200 seconds on level 2
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Enchanted Redstone Apple
Hunger points: 10
Saturation: Super Natural
• Haste for 200 seconds on level 2
• Speed for 200 seconds on level 2
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Enchanted Copper Apple
Hunger points: 20
Saturation: Super Natural
• Speed for 400 seconds on level 2
• Strength for 400 seconds on level 2
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Enchanted Iron Apple
Hunger points: 20
Saturation: Super Natural
• Resistance for 500 seconds on level 4
• Speed for 500 seconds on level 4
• Strength for 500seconds on level 4
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Enchanted Golden Apple Finally has a recipe thanks to this Add-on!
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Emerald Apple
Hunger points: 30
Saturation: Super Natural
• Haste for 200 seconds on level 2
• Village Hero for 1000 seconds on level 2
• Invisibility for 200 seconds on level 1
• Jump Boost for 300 seconds on level 12
• Regeneration for 400 seconds on level 6
• Resistance for 700 seconds on level 6
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Diamond Apple
Hunger points: 40
Saturation: Super Natural
• Absorbtion for 1000 seconds on level 6
• Fire Resistance for 1000 seconds on level 10
• Health Boost for 1000 seconds on level 8
• Night Vision for 1000 seconds on level 1
• Regeneration for 1000 seconds on level 10
• Resistance for 1000 seconds on level 10
• Speed for 1000 seconds on level 10
• Strength for 1000 seconds on level 10
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

Netherite Apple
Hunger points: 60
Saturation: Super Natural
• Absorbtion for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Fire Resistance for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Haste for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Health Boost for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Jump Boost for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Night Vision for 10000 seconds on level 1
• Regeneration for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Resistance for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Speed for 10000 seconds on level 20
• Strength for 10000 seconds on level 20
Crafting Recipe:
Keep in mind You can only craft it using the Magical Crafting Table!

All these apples are in creative inventory.
I have added a few new blocks which will spawn in new biome in the nether(for now only in the overworld), but because I have not figured out how to add new biomes they are only available via creative inventory and commands for now.
Greenery Stem:

Stripped Greenery Stem:

Only wooden axe can be used to craft it for now.

Greenery Hyphae:

Stripped Greenery Hyphae:

Only wooden axe can be used to craft it for now.

Greenery Planks:

Greenery Wart Block:

Greenery Nylium:

Greenery Planks are obtained just like other planks and they can be used just like any other planks.

All the items and blocks are in the creative inventory.
This add-on also introduces a few mobs, here is a list of them!
Apple Cow
0-3 Raw Beef
0-3 Leather
0-3 Apple
Spawns in: The same biomes as normal cow
Rarity: Common

Golden Apple Cow
0-3 Raw Beef
0-3 Leather
0-3 Golden Apple
Spawns in: The same biomes as normal cow
Rarity: Common

Lapis Apple Cow
0-3 Raw Beef
0-3 Leather
0-3 Lapis Apple
Spawns in: The same biomes as normal cow
Rarity: Common

Quartz Apple Cow
0-3 Raw Beef
0-3 Leather
0-3 Quartz Apple
Spawns in: Nether Biomes except Basalt Delta
Rarity: Common

Copper Apple Cow
0-3 Raw Beef
0-3 Leather
0-3 Copper Apple
Spawns in: The same biomes as normal cow
Rarity: Common

If you are doing a youtube video or something you ARE NOT allowed to make your own download links and you MUST give this link.
You must turn on all the experimental gameplay features and be in at least version 1.16.100.
If you have any suggestion or you have found any bug write it down in the comment section.
Be sure to delete older version of the add-on and then get the new one, otherwise it might not work in game.
Also if you want to help translate this add-on to your language dm me on Twitter @damian_niewiem.
- Lapis Apple Cow
- Quartz Apple Cow
- Copper Apple Cow
- Enchanted Copper Apple
- Enchanted Quartz Apple
- Enchanted Redstone Apple