MCPE/Bedrock Enderite Addon (1.18)

End Update
"The end" dimension got an updated look. This addon updates the most boring part of the game before mojang.
Enjoy the beauty of having even more things to do with your survival map!!! After you reach a certain level in the game you dont have new materials to play with so i propose this mod that will bring new features and gameplay mechanics to your world.
Check out my youtube channel!?
RTX Trailer (my channel)
Trailer Created By MADLAD
NOTE: You are not allowed to publish this on other websites or applications without my permission.
NOTE: If your doing a review you are allowed only to post this addon page link dont hurt me with direct links to mediafire! HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR WHAT I DO!!!
NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!.

Code made with bridge.
3D models made with Blockbench.
Support added for minecraft 1.18
Updated some of the features and feature rules for 1.18
Updated the hammer code it now should match 'more tools' code should mine lower than Y 0 in overworld and should not go below Y 0 in nether but can't mine in the end.
Hello Everyone I want to let you all know that I will REMAKE this addon at some point
Now the question.
I can go two ways with the remake like this addon(single biome) or with multi biomes approach like(End Expansion) but mind you biomes are not a thing in the end so all of these are workarounds. Please let me know in the comments down below which way should i go about this 'single biome' or 'multi biomes'.
Support for 1.17.30 this means blocks will appear in creative menu and crafting table.
Removed the ability to craft item placers of the blocks.(this was a workaround before the 1.17.30 for brocks to show in crafting table)
Footage in game

Ray Tracing support
Ray tracing requires specific hardware to run like Nvidia RTX 2000 series cards or AMD rx 6000
This mod is intended to be played with a separate PBR(ray tracing) resource pack applied, as it only has the resources to enable ray tracing on the new end blocks.This pack doesnt't cover vanilla blocks.When used with PBR pack you need to make sure the addon RP is first.
Credits PBR textures created by:
MADLAD#3718 (discord)
@MADLAD3718 (twitter)
Structures with ray tracing on!

Read this before entering a world
I dont recomand playng this on your main world better make a copy.
Addon causes the game to crash somethimes with high chunk render distance. This can be mitigated if you turn it to 16 or lower..
I know its not perfect and im aware of lots of bugs but thats the best i can do with bedrock limitations.
This addon has 4 option to chose from for people with low end devices to high end ones!
How to change the settings? Go to behaviour packs and select the settings icon on my addon.

Hope you enjoy the addon!!!
Note: enable experimental features!!!
Don't forget to check out the showcase map!!!
Update v1.7
Support added for minecraft 1.18
Updated some of the features and feature rules for 1.18
Updated experimental requirements for 1.18
Updated the hammer code it now should match 'more tools' code should mine lower than Y 0 in overworld and should not go below Y 0 in nether but can't mine in the end.
Updated Thumbnail.
Download both the resource pack and behaviour pack and click on them to start the installation process then enable experimental gameplay in world options.