MCPE/Bedrock Epic Wandering Trader

This is an Add-On which changes the trades of the Wandering Trader. It gives him better, cheaper, and more varied trades. He even gives unobtainable items like Potion of Decay, Budding Amethyst, and Glowing Obsidian.
He sells over 200 new items, and everything he used to sell he still does, but cheaper. This will be a major improvement to the game, and I highly recommend you try it out for yourself. The trader sells many things villagers do, but his prices are cheaper. He has deals good enough that if you find a single vein of emerald ore, you can still buy useful things. He is also guaranteed to sell a random potion.

Here are some examples of trades it's possible to get from him. He has too many to fit on the same page, so I had to do a little bit of editing.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to use this in any kind of content creation, please give credit to Epic Addons or EpicSheep49, and link to THIS SITE. Otherwise, feel free!
Thanks so much for downloading. I really appreciate it. I have a lot more coming, so stay tuned!
v1.0.0: Added more in-game images to the web page.