MCPE/Bedrock ESBE_3G Shader

ESBE_3G is a shader pack for Bedrock Edition makes your world more beautiful with less device resources.official successor of ESBE_2G Shader. You don't have to preparation powerful device (iPhone 5s is enough to).Enjoy your beautiful world!


Most of features in ESBE_2G plus
- More lightweight depiction
- luminance based tone map with varying saturation
- waving water, leaves, crops, flowers and nether gate
- new water reflection with correct cloud position. (chunk border issue resolved)
- wet effect when raining
- texture hybrid shader generated moon. (auto switched to default render when other texture detected)
Supported Platforms
- iOS
- Android
tested on iPadAir3, iPhone5s, iPad6th(thanks to Glin )
Old versions of windows10 is partially supported.(thanks to YamaRin )
Published under MIT License

The beta version is available here.
Also accept reports of bugs and improvements.
minor bug fixes and some improvements
Added support for old Windows10…huge thanks to @MCH_YamaRin
Fixed stripe bug on aurora
Fixed bug that iron bars, redstone and water seams waving
Fixed bug side shadow won't disappear with torch at night
Improved position of cloud reflection of water
Improved technical part of sun & moon
Known issue: sun & moon disappear with antialiasing enabled