MCPE/Bedrock Explosive Throwables Addon

Have you ever wanted something that can destroy stuffs easily? Do you want to Destroy the End? Or even nuke villages and structures.You can easily make holes and explosions with my...Explosive Throwables Addon!Made by: NotYetamis
What is this Explosive Throwables Addon?
From the word Explosive, it adds new explosive features of the Snowballs, Eggs and Splash Potions! Which can easily destory stuffs!
(As you can see on the Featured Photo, that's what the addon does)
Note: When doing this on creative (Like doing some events, games and stuffs), set the command /gamerule dotiledrops false to avoid lag that prevents the exploded blocks dropping.
Review of The Throwables
Since the Snowballs, Eggs and Splash Potions are only the "Throwable" ones, i coded them like this.
This is the Explode Power Of the ...
Snowball - 5 Power

I used a texture pack that's why it looks like this
Egg - 15 Power

Splash Potions - 30 Power

(I coded them to throw faster like the snowballs then read the IMPORTANT message below and you can use any splash potions)
This is what happened to a village I found using the addon XD

Pillager Outpost


It even gave me Bad Omen XD
Isn't it cool right?
IMPORTANT: This Add-on is NOT DESIGNED FOR SURVIVAL PURPOSES (Because of the splash potions). But you can use this for an event like Hide and Seek.
More Note: Sorry by putting alot of words, but if other people say i copied this addon, it is not. I coded this myself and if anyone has this already, it is not my fault. It came out with my own idea.
Inspired by MrBeast of his Hide and Seek Video ?
(No need to explain further, this is a simple addon)
Turn on Holiday Creator Features! ?

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(Used this so i can have a little something about my works :))
Just don’t click the ads
For 1.18 users (Android), if you transform it to ZIP file, you need to paste it but you need Zarchiver or another File Explorer.
Go to Android>data>com.mojang.minecraftpe>files>games>com.mojang>behavior_pack