MCPE/Bedrock Fantasy Review Texture Pack

This map is made for little youtubers or players who want to see the textures in depth, in this case a map to give a little more aesthetics to the texture reviews.
This will have 11 cubicles that will be useful as:
- Mobs: In this section you will find all kinds of mobs
- Items and Armor: Here you will find all the armor and items
- Blocks: You will find all the Minecraft blocks
- Cave Update: This is a mini cave with the new biomes from 1.17
- Nether Update: You will find mini biomes from 1.16
- Village: Here you can see how the shaders or textures look in constructions
- End: You will find an End City
- Monument: Here is a mini fish tank with an ocean monument inside
- Biomes: Here are 9 Overworld biomes
- PvP: This will have blocks and items to review a PvP texture
- Heavens: This one just to see how the weather changes on a texture
I can say that this map is complete, it contains everything that a review map needs, it will be updated
When you enter the map you will find a chest and when you open them you will find special items:
- Arch: This changes Day and Night
- Reed: This will change between Rain, Thunder and Warm
- Snowball: This will teleport you to the Lobby
- Eggs: This switches your gameplay between Survival and Creative
Don't forget the Credit book