MCPE/Bedrock Foliaath Addon

This addon adds a savage, untamable plant that attacks every person, animal, beast, or thing that gets close enough to it that it can attack that entity. When you kill it, it drops its seeds for you, but don't hope that you can tame it because it will keep attacking you. I hope you like this addon

Foliaaths initially appear inactive and non-hazardous, with only their plant base visible. When anything approaches them, they reveal their heads and start attacking nearby creatures and players by biting them. When nearby targets become invalid, they will return to their inactive and non-dangerous state. Every time Foliaath kills anything, he applies Regeneration II for 15 seconds. When killed, foliaath seeds sometimes fall off.

Foliaath Seeds:

After killing Foliaath, it will cut its seeds for you. You can plant those seeds by clicking on a lump of grass or soil, and every half day for two days, you can feed it raw meat by dropping it near it. But after it is fully grown, it will not have mercy on you and will continue to attack you (what a thankless plant).
I'm not Mowzie but I got permission from him

Original java mod link:
It is necessary to enable the experimental game!!
It is necessary to enable the experimental game!!