MCPE/Bedrock Foods And Crops Addon V0.1

Hello everyone, today we present foods and crops, a food addon for your minecraft bedrock !! , the addon is in beta phase so soon we will be adding more things !!!
well the addon adds several foods and plants for minecraft which we are going to specify below...
White Chocolate:



Chocolate Cake:


Vegan Burger:

Stone Knife:

Orange Juice:

(does not return the glass bottle)

(does not return the glass bottle)
Cheese Burger:

Hot Dog:

Pizza Slice:

Cheese :

Cheese Block:

(does not return the bucket)
Cheese Bucket:

Foods that can be grown (naturally sourced from the world too):
Lemon, Orange and Blueberry

Lemon Tree:

Orange Tree:

Blueberry bush: