MCPE/Bedrock GeoActivity Addon

MCPE/Bedrock GeoActivity Addon

This addon adds a bit of all mineral armor, tools and many crafting a very complete addon for survival I should clarify that I have the permission of the original creator of the Java mod



Creator's permission



To start add 3 new coals that are 

Antrecite《coal level 3》

 Bituminous 《Coal Level 2》

 Lignite 《coal level 1》


You will find these coals in the mine When you cook them, it gives you graphite, it depends on the coal you use, it will give you less or more, but to conine it you need a special oven

Lignite =6 graphite 

Bituminous=12 graphite

Antrecite =18 graphite 





With graphite you can make various interesting crafts including diamond





Both armor and reinforced tools are better than iron with durability approaching diamond. 

Reforced Sword= 7 




At the moment only one alloys are useful



Advanced tools and armor are much better than diamond tools With greater durability they are even easy to repair with the 3 new carbons

It has between 100 or 200 points of durability more than a diamond

but for this you need a new crafting table





these items currently have no functionality


the bugs that had with the table and minerals were fixed