MCPE/Bedrock Gia Dinh High School Map

Hello. This is a map of the real life Gia Dinh high school that I attended. I spent almost 2 years studying at that school to build it, so it's really 90% like the real school, but there are some places I haven't been able to build like the rooms related to the teachers, the principal, etc. . But it's actually the first map I've built a real life building in minecraft so enjoy!!
Some of the image in-game of the map:

In this map I have built a whole school electrical system so that you can use lights as well as circuit breakers. In the next part I will introduce it:
First you need to know the areas of the school:

This school has 4 floors: ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor. Each circuit breaker will control electricity on the floor (including zones A, B, C) that it is in possession, located in zone C (upper part of the photo)
This is where the circuit breaker is located:

Search circuit breaker:

When you open the trapdoor you will see the switch. This switch is the circuit breaker:

As shown in the picture, the ground floor breaker is on, which means you can turn on the electricity in the ground floor classrooms:

But if you turn off that breaker, the lights in the classroom, even if the switch is turned on, won't come on

In addition, I also equipped a few sensor lights so that it can automatically open when it's dark:

There is another switch on the 1st and 2nd floors:

This switch controls the row of lights along the B area:

There is also a computer room...


School at night:

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