MCPE/Bedrock Hammer Time Addon V6.8

Hello people, this addon is based on the java Hammer Time mod and I have the permission of the original creator of the mod, it should also be noted that this addon was previously called Mining Hammers but now it is called hammer Time Bedrock, with a total of 10 Hammers , 10 Megas Axes and 10 Megas Hoes of course everything based on the java mod and how much with a 2d and 3d version of the addon
In this update of the addon we add new useful tools for different things, the hammer is useful to chop more quickly the blocks and minerals since it does it in 3x3, the hoes serve more to cultivate more quickly, remove grass and leaves as well In 3x3 and finally there would be the axes that are used to cut large amounts of wood with just chopping 1 block of wood
Apart from everything we have the permission of the original creator of the java mod

With the following command you can add the hammers one by one
/ give @s new:

-Creative Inventory

Great Axe:



-Recipe Example




-Attack Damage
Wood ( 2 )
Stone ( 3 )
Redstone ( 4 )
Lapis Lazuli ( 3 )
Obsidian ( 7 )
Diamond ( 5 )
Netherite ( 8 )
Iron ( 4 )
Gold ( 2 )
Emerald ( 6 )
this item by default all carry the same damage that would be 5
this item by default all carry the same damage that would be 2
this item by default all carry the same damage that would be 2
Wood ( 60 )
Stone ( 131 )
Redstone ( 627 )
Lapis Lazuli ( 331 )
Obsidian ( 1837 )
Diamond ( 1561 )
Netherite ( 2031 )
Iron ( 250 )
Gold ( 32 )
Emerald ( 1231 )
-Armor Stand

-Repair ( Hammers, Sickles, Axes ans Shovel)
Wood == Wooden log(Any)
Stone == Stone
Redstone == Redstone Block
Lapis Lazuli == Lapis Block
Obsidian == Obsidian/Crying Obsidian
Diamond == Diamond Block
Netherite == Netherite Block
Iron == Iron Block
Gold == Gold Ingot
Emerald == Emerald Block
Thank you very much for downloading the addon. It took me a while to create this addon and I hope you like it.
If you want to upload a video about this addon you must use the download link that I put on this page or directly
Bug fixes
-Compatibility with current versions of the game
- Texture solution
- Function solution in the tools
-Craft solution
Download Guide
Go to the links, then down and click on "Free Access With ads", then click on "Discover interesting Articles from the web" and click on X, wait for the time it says and press X again, then press to "continue" and voila, this is the same for all the links in this plugin