MCPE/Bedrock Hinge Simple Zombie Apocalypse Zombie Variation Update!

This Simple zombie apocalypse addon add a new type of zombie that doesn't burn in the day, hunt in groups, and aggressive to all entity or mobs. great for those who want a zombie apocalypse addon but doesn't want too much thing added into the game.
New Zombie Variation Update !!!
3.0 Video
Whats New In 3.0:
Generic Zombie:
same zombie from last version
Climbing Zombie:
same as generic, but can climb, black skin color
Explosive Zombie:
same as generic, but explode after 5 second of not moving while having a target, light red skin color
Climbing Explosive Zombie:
same as generic, can climb, can explode, dark red skin color
2.0 Video
Watch this video for explanation.
Images & Explanation:

extra information:
-zombie broadcast anger radius is 32 blocks, if you get spotted by a zombie, all zombie in 32 blocks radius will chase you
-zombie will leap at target
-hot blocks that zombie will avoid: Campfire, Fire, Torch, Lava, and all the soul variant.
-zombie cant swim water around your base is a great idea
-zombie can break door
Added zombie variant (generic zombie, climbing zombie, explosive zombie, climbing explosive zombie)