MCPE/Bedrock Hunting Dog

Ever wanted a pack of angry dogs doing your bidding? Finding it hard to find Endermen for their green eye balls? Tired of Creepers blowing up your stuff? Well, all problems solved with the addition of the Hunting Dog.
Overview of the Hunting Dog:
Where to find them
Groves, Windswept Forest, Taiga Hills (including Snowy), Birch Forest Hills. Daytime. As usual is your friend.
How to train them
What good would a Hunting Dog be if you couldn't train it to hunt what you need? Firstly tame them with a bone. Once tamed you can hold an item and interact with your dog(s) and they will hunt particular mobs.
- Gunpowder to hunt creepers
- Bone block to hunt skeletons (and wither skeletons)
- Ender pearl to hunt endermen
- Rabbit foot to hunt rabbits
- Spider eye to hunt spiders
- Glowstone dust to hunt witches
- Feather to hunt chickens
- Rotten flesh to hunt zombies (and husks, drowneds)
- A stick to hunt nothing (they will still attack things the Player attacks, or vice versa)
You can armor them
Craft your dog armor like this:

Hold the armor, and interact with your dog. This grants your dog immunity to a wide range of damage including explosion, projectile and lava. And looks pretty cool too.

That is absolutely a puppy. Which brings us to our next point...
You can breed them
Mushrooms! Red or brown, you decide.
You can keep them close or send them far
Interact with them while holding a carved pumpkin to set their range to 'close'. Use a jack 'o' lantern to set their range to 'far'. In this mode they will be able to explore far from you looking for their targets.
You can heal them
Beef, chicken, tropical fish, cod, salmon, bones, baked potato, potato, rotten flesh (least favorite).
You can saddle them
You bet you can. Hold a saddle and interact. Then, you can do this:

Our Youtube channel here!
We read all of our youtube comments, if you have something to say about our addons, please let us know!
To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page* . Cheers!
Fixed an armor-stacking bug, expanded dog 'menu', other minor changes.