MCPE/Bedrock Hutchies Magic Addon

this add on adds some end game magic . I will have updates in the future because right now there is only candles and books for magical item all thought I might add tools and armor
This adds vanilla style magic . You can create speed books and candles out of magical essence with you can get from grinding up certain items with a mortar and pestle with is a bowl base from stone with a nether brick in the middle
. You can make magical books by infusing magically essence with books and candles on a infusing pedestal. I believe I will add blood magic in the future
here are some pictures

Here are the pedestal and mortar and Pestal recipe

Here are all of the magical essence recipes

added haunted steel witch you can craft on a infusing pedestal and turn into armor

brewing cauldron currently does not work so only cosmetic but here how to craft it

Crystalline flowers with you can find in dark forest . Can be crushed up into crystal dust. And is used to make haunted steel .

Revamp wizard hat

-added in game crafting recipes.
-added cauldron recipe In main description
Added wizard hat in end description
creator: Hutchie