MCPE/Bedrock Impressive Shadow Shader v1.6.6

What is ISBE?
I thought the early days of Minecraft were a bit dark, so I made it.
I inherited the ESBE-1G and wanted to build my own from scratch, so I made it.
There are some customizable items, so if you're interested, check out the program inside.
Screen Shot:

Realistic Cloud.
Beautiful sun and moon.
Brighter than normal.
The constant change in the light of the torch.
You can change the render of clouds between the two types!
Changes in expression in rainy weather.
Android , iOS support
Support Platforms:
※There may be a lag on some devices.
Here's a link to how to change the render of clouds.
Added MIT License from ISBEv1.6.5.
Please use it in compliance with the MIT License.
The full MIT License can be found here.
A small change in the cloud setting.
For more information→ How to use ISBE
Thank you for downloading it!