MCPE/Bedrock Kampston City Pre-release

Welcome to Kampston! Soon to be among the biggest cities made on Bedrock Edition, Kampston City is a project that I have been working on since February 2021. The idea is to make a city somewhat comparable to other MInecraft Cities like Mattupolis or Greenfield. (Both Built on Java Edition)
Download is FREE FOR ALL.

PLEASE READ: The world contains some buildings either duplicated or inspired by other Minecraft Creators and maps. Not all buildings are original builds.
The Build is incomplete, and the mcworld download exists to show you where I am with my progress.
How releases will work:
My Project will be divided in phases, and each phase will be divided in sections, and each section will be its own "version". As of May 5th, I'm currently on the first phase.
Phase One (I am here)
Section 1: Frwy and Boulevard Connected (Completed)
Section 2: Kampston Square (Completed)
Section 3: Completing the PREMIUM OUTLETS
Section 4: Filling in empty streets
Section 5: Add cars and buses
Section 6: Expansion
Section 7: More Buildings
Section 8: Fill up the rest of streets
Section 9: Final changes
Phase Two
STAY TUNED. I will try my best to complete the first phase as soon as I can.
Kampston Transit System

This is my vision for Kampston's metro system.
Both Square and City Hall stations are considered "Transfer Hubs", where riders can transfer to different metro or bus lines.
The Metro Lines:
Yellow: Golden Line
Green: SkyLine (Primarily above ground)
Mauve: Metrocity Line
Purple: Valley Line
Blue: Mainland Line (The oldest line of the city)

Where is Kampston?
Kampston is a city in the west coast of a country I call "Metroland". It's a dumb name, but it started as an idea back when I was in 3rd grade and here I am now bringing it to life.... or to minecraft.
A Website, a YouTube Channel, and an Instagram Page will be coming soon.
New Buildings:
- Added new shops and restaurants to the Outlet Mall
- Started Cineplex Build
Minor Changes:
- Moved the Subway building closer to the freeway
- Removed Mcdonald's
- Temporary Building prototypes built under city
The map is not completed and this is only what I consider a "pre-release".
- Download The Map
- Download mikeyto1o's ModernHD Texture Pack
- Open on Minecraft with texture pack activated
creator: Kampston_city