MCPE/Bedrock Keyyards Capture The Flag

Greetings! Welcome to Keyyard's Capture The Flag Minigame! The sole purpose is capturing your opponent flag and return it. Also don't forget to defend yours! This map is best with 4 to 10 people.

Creator: keyyard (Commands Block, Build, Terraform, Addon)
Special Thanks to: Ash & MunMeowMeow
What to do in this game?
Different from other Capture The Flag game, in this Keyyards Capture The Flag, you only have 1 turn, which means if you lose your flag to your enemy, you lose.
In here, what you must do is just protect your flag and try your best on stealing their flag!
You can choose to bring your flag with you if you don't trust anyone :p!

You will have an iron chestplate, an iron sword and a infinity bow.
Remember to grab a horse (Free unlimited horses spawn in front of your base)
There will be an action bar shows who is in your team! You can not hurt your teammate in this game.
There is a 3 second respawn cool down.

Video Trailer:
Greetings, this is a small update that contains some new buildings on the road & i have updated images! a new featured image too.