MCPE/Bedrock Magic Craft (V1.0 Wizards)

Hostile entities are crossing over from the Rothain dimension into ours, fortunately so is their MAGIC! You will need to travel the world trying to find all the Spell Books and other Magical artefacts to help you defeat the evil that has entered our world Experimental Gameplay will need activating to enjoy this addon

Magic Craft tries to bring an extra element of Magic to Minecraft Bedrock, Travel your worlds to find Structures that can hold Magical Spell books to make Magic Wands and other Magic items to help you defeat the Evil entities that have crossed over
This is Version one, More and more mobs, magic items and Gameplay will be added update by update
The Wizard

The Wizard is a very Powerful Entity
The Wizard will spawn around your world and is very hostile, it will shoot fireballs at you if it sees you.
If you hit it, it will summon a Witch to help protect him
You can snap the Wizard out of his rage with the Healing Magic Wand.
When you have used the wand, give the Wizard a Healing Potion and wait 30 seconds.
The Wizard will become passive and now you can trade with him.
He will trade you spell Books.
If the Wizard get struck by Lightning it will become charged, it will now use a Melee attack and have the ability to Teleport to you.
If you hit it, it will summon an Enderman to help protect him
When the Wizard is Charged it can still be healed.
Spell Table

The Spell Table can be crafted using this recipe

The Spell Table is where you will Merge Wands and create Potions, This Crating Bench is very important to your survival.
You will use the Spell Table to Merge Spell Books will Basic Wands to create More Powerful Magic Wands

If your Magic Wand loses power you will need to merge it with a Basic Wand to recover the Power

You can create Magic Potions in the Spell Table, The Healing Potion will make the Wizard passive so you can trade with him

Flying Carpet

By Merging a Levitation Spell Book with some Black Carpet you create a Flying Carpet, This will help you escape dangerous situations of you can use it just to fly around and have fun.

Interact with the Flying Carpet to fly upon it.
When you have landed, Left Click to Fold it,
Right Click to Pick it up (Whilst folded)
Structures will spawn around your world, travel far and wide to make sure you find all the Magical items that have crossed over
Wizards Hut

Any issues please comment below, Remember to play in experimental mode to enjoy this addon.
Get the lastest information about upcoming features in our discord
Flying Carpet added
Interact with the Flying Carpet to fly upon it.
When you have landed, Left Click to Fold it,
Right Click to Pick it up (Whilst folded)
//The Wizard
Beware the wizard is a very Powerful Entity
The Wizard will spawn around your world and is very hostile, it will shoot fireballs
at you if it sees you.
If you hit it, it will summon a Witch to help protect him
You can snap the Wizard out of his rage with the Healing Magic Wand, when have
used the wand, give the Wizard a Healing Potion and wait 30 seconds.
The Wizard will become passive and now you can trade with him, He will trade you Spell Books.
If the Wizard get stuck by Lightning it will charged, it will now use a Melee attack
and have the ability to Teleport to you.
If you hit it, it will summon an Enderman to help protect him
When the Wizard is Charged it can still be healed.
Wizards Hut added
The Wizards Hut will spawn around your world, It will contain one chest with
a possibility of some rare magical items inside.
(Not all Wands are to help you fight, Some Spells are designed to simply help
you survive)
Basic Magic Wand Added
Can be found in the Wizards Hut
The Basic Magic Wand is the most common and weakest of wands, it has basic
powers. The only thing the Basic Magic Wand can do is kill a few Mobs at a short
Pyro Magic Wand Added
15 Durability
Merge with a Basic Wand to Recover Durability
The Pyro wand will shoot Small Fireballs with a Right Click (Long Tap)
The Pyro wand will summon a Lava pool upon an entity with a Left Click
Aqua Magic Wand Added
15 Durability
Merge with a Basic Wand to Recover Durability
The Aqua wand will Summon Lighting Bolts with a Right Click (Long Tap)
The Aqua wand will summon a Pool of Water upon an entity with a Left Click
Healing Magic Wand Added
5 Durability
Merge with a Basic Wand to Recover Durability
The Healing wand will give Healing Power to all entities for 10 seconds
with a Right Click (Long Tap)
//Spell Books
Spell books can be found in Wizards Huts and by killing a Wizard (Rare Drop)
Merge a Spell book with a Basic wand to give the Wand the Power of the Book
Pyro Spell Book
Aqua Spell Book
Power Spell Book - Used to craft the Spell Table
Levitation Spell Book - Used to Craft the Flying Carpet
Healing Spell Book
Healing Potion has been added
This is used to make the Wizard Passive
Spell Table Added
The Spell Table is used to merge Magic Wand together to make more powerful
This Table is also used for anything to do with any Magical items