MCPE/Bedrock MC | Nuketown ZOMBIES

The remastered fan favorite Call Of Duty: Black Ops ll Zombies map nuketown zombies. Full functional map to play on every platform playable for Bedrock Edition. It’s show time. OORAH!
This is Nuketown Zombies. Fan favorite map from Bo2
This a fully functional map. With many features
-Moving mystery box
-Zombies spawn within 30 blocks to player so you won’t have to look for the zombies
-Buyablue doors
-Pause game button
-Revive players
-Many spawn locations
-Coolest feature: Dropping perks animation recreated (Look out above!!)
Last but not least: Custom easter egg
And Many More Features

Addressing an issue where doing the main easter egg sometimes causes the zombies to not spawn
at this moment as we look into it if this happens' delete the world and download again