MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft, but you can craft Horse Armor

There is plenty of horse armor are in-game, but only the leather horse armor (badest) is craftable, and others like Diamond, or Gold which are good, are not craftable. Instead, we have to find them. I have a solution for this problem, with my addon.

Diamond Horse Armor Recipe
The best and the rarest horse armor in Minecraft is Diamond Horse Armor, and it is not craftable and it is also very rare. But, in this addon, you can craft this armor for your horse friend ?

Gold Horse Armor Recipe
Gold Armor for your horse isn't good for protection, but any horse looks cool with this. This is also too rare, but from now on you can craft it also.

Iron Horse Armor Recipe
Ok, so Iron Horse Armor is not as good as Diamond or Gold armor for your horse, but it is also not as bad as the leather armor is. So, making it is also a good move for your beloved horse.

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creator: YSphantom
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