MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Title Update 1 Tutorial World

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Title Update 1 Tutorial World

With this world you will be able to relive the original Minecraft may 9th, 2012 Xbox 360 Nostalgia, being able to fully explore the Minecraft Title Update 1 Tutorial World in all it's nostalgic glory on Java, Bedrock or even Console Edition! ?


If you don't already know this map was created by the incredible 4J Studios Team while they where porting Minecraft Java to the Xbox 360 & sadly even though the Console Editions of Minecraft are no longer updated & there is no way to re-obtain the Tutorial Worlds 4J Studios still hasn't re-released the worlds for download on the Bedrock Store or anywhere else for that matter, hence why I'm doing giving all my fellow Minecraft players this download. :3

For anyone wanting clarification that this isn't perhaps the Title Update 3 Tutorial World here you go, the easiest to notice difference between the two almost identical worlds is the entrance to the castle. As you can see this version (The original TU1 Version) doesn't have the self building lava bridge due to Pistons not being released until Title Update 3. ?

Enjoy touring the original spawn with every chest, furnace & more the exact way it was on the Xbox 360 Version. ?

(As a reminder) this was before the addition of the now infamous Tutorial World music discs so if you can't find the original chests that you could have sworn held them that's why. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Here is my own nostalgic video showcasing the TU1 Tutorial World in more detail if you are interested. (づ。 ◕‿‿◕。) づ

I hope you enjoy reliving the nostalgia & please don't forget to check out my YouTube channel Catmanjoe to show me some love & help me reach 100K subscribers. :3



I added my YouTube video showcasing the TU1 Tutorial World.

Updated the "thumbnail" for the post with the same thumbnail as my YouTube video showcasing it. ?