MCPE/Bedrock Missile And TNT Addon

This Addon adds 5 missiles.
Normal missile,TNT Missile ,Nuclear Missile ,Ender Missile and Flat Missile
Especially , Nuclear Missile is stronger than any other PE addon
These missiles are craftable by crafting table
1.Normal TNT and Missile

2.TNTx5 and Missile

3.TNTx20 and Missile

4.TNTx100 and Missile

5.TNTx500 and Missile
It's CRAZY!!

6.Nuclear TNT and Missile
This Missile may crash your PC. Use it at high spec PC or Phone
This Missile is the most dangerous of PE Addon

7.Nether TNT and Missile
Nether in the overworld

8.Animal TNT and missile
Spawns ALL MOBs

9.Flat TNT and missile
this missile deletes all of blocks

10.Lightning TNT and missile
spawn lightning bolt on all mob

11.Ender TNT and missile
this missile raises 20x20x20 blocks

12.Multiply TNT and missile
spawn 9 tnts

13.Freeze TNT and missile
ICE 20x20x20 blocks

14.Fire TNT and missile
In the Forest, It becomes HELL

15.Ocean TNT and missile
It is FLOOD!

16.TNT Firework and missile

17.Infinity TNT and missile

18.Lava TNT and missile

19.Sandfirework TNT and missile

20.Ghost TNT and missile
This TNT Teleports to nearist mob. This missile is invisible.

21.Snow TNT and missile

How to Ignite TNT
1.Put TNT

2.Use flint and steel

How to Launch Missile
1.Craft Missile

2.Craft Target and Launcher

3.Put Missile target

4. Use (Eat) "Missile Launcher"

5.Wait For 25 seconds

Turn on experimental Game Mode

Add 20 TNTs
Add New Mssile
Add NEW TNT recipe
Turn on experimental Game Mode