MCPE/Bedrock Mob Spawners Add-on

This add-on adds 7 new Minecraft MOB spawners And they are craftable! But can not be found on randomly generated terrain. This add-on was created to make things a bit more easier for players!

This add-on is about More mob Spawners and a bit more heads in the game it adds:
1. Wither skeleton Spawner 2. Piglin head & Spawner
3. Hoglin head & Spawner 4. Phantom head & Spawner
5. Slime head & Spawner 6. Witch head & Spawner
7. Creeper Spawner
These Spawners are craftable using the head of the mob of the Spawner.
(e.g. Creeper head from the creeper) And a few more items required to make the Spawner.
(You can check the materials needed for each Spawner in the crafting book guide)
The mob heads can be gotten by killing it's mob like killing a Hoglin or a phantom, it's a very low chance and it's very hard to get but using looting can speed up the process

As for the Slime Spawner it doesn't have a "head" It has a "Shield" which is what you can see in the picture above ^^
Dfc4Life- Developer & modeler & Texture designer!
Mojang - for making the mob models available in their example resource pack!
Fifth#9321 - Idea giver, Texture decider, And Motivator! (<3 fifth)
Added a video showing them in action (all the mob Spawners are reviewed in this video)
Above ^^^
Changed manifest pack version from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
Download the Add-on by just clicking on the "Custom_Spawners.mcaddon" above
After you have downloaded the McAddon file just double click the file and it'll auto import the addon
For mobile users press the "" file to download the packs
How to import the pack for mobile users:
1. unzip
2. copy the RP to internal storage > games > com.mojang > resource_packs
3. copy the BP to internal storage > games > com.mojang > behavior_packs
4. open Minecraft and enjoy