MCPE/Bedrock Mr. Green's 1K Celebration Map

Hello and welcome everyone, my name is Mr. Green! Today I get to share with you all an amazing map! I created this world to celebrate reaching 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. This world is a wonderful survival world for just yourself or a group of friends, it would even work well as an SMP starter world! I hope you all enjoy!
Welcome friends, old and new! I made this map to celebrate my achievement of reaching 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! There are a lot of really cool things included in the map make sure to read the full description and also the "Welcome Book" included in the starter chest. I really hope you all enjoy this one! Special thanks to DabbingWhyiPlay for help building and testing this map. Thanks to BlueBits for a wonderful tutorial that helped me create the main house. Also a huge thank you to ShulkerCraft for the inspiration that led to the End Dimension build, and another wonderful tutorial on building a storage room.
The main House is very large and located in a Savanah Biome. It includes a large animal farm, crop farm, massive storage room, as well as an in house End Portal.

The crop farm behind the house features a large silo with storage inside.

Extra large storage room (design by Shulkercraft). Inside the storage room there are 4 custom villagers that will trade endlessly.

The End Portal in the center of the room can be lit when the player is ready.

There is and "Infinity Rail System" in the lowest basement of the house. This rail will continue forever.
The Nether Hub has 4 main hallway exits for you to build onto. This room is also spawn proof as far as I have tested.

The End Hub design was inspired by Shulkercraft, but as they did not offer a tutorial we had to kind of wing it the best we could. Again a huge thank you to these guys!
*A current bug to be aware of, the End Platform is currently generating one block higher than it should so you may notice a 2 block thick Obsidian Platform when you enter then End

There are a few command block features that are fully described in the info book you will get at the start. Make sure to read this to benefit the most from it.
Achievements are enabled!
This map is multiplayer friendly.
You may share this map with anyone for any non-profit purposes, all that I ask is that if you share the map that I am given credit as the creator.
If you would like to make a video on this map that is fine with me, please respect the original link and make sure to credit me.
Follow on Twitter @ Mr_Green_Games for updates on maps and ideas on future content.
Check out my YouTube I do command block tutorials and Let's Plays!
If you would like to help support map creation you can donate to me at
all donations are deeply appreciated!
Make sure you are on the most current non beta version in order to play my map. The "New Version" of the map was saved on V1.17.41 although I do not see that as an option here on the list as I am making this post. Cheers