MCPE/Bedrock Natural Sculk

Natural Sculk is an add-on that will naturally generate Sculk blocks in the underground. This add-on also adds This add-on also adds Sculk sensors, this add-on also adds Sculk sensor, sculk this add-on also adds Sculk sensor, sculk shrieker and sculk This add-on also adds Sculk sensor, sculk shrieker and sculk catalyst This add-on also adds Sculk sensor, sculk shrieker and sculk catalyst to This add-on also adds Sculk sensor, sculk shrieker and sculk catalyst to the This add-on also adds a Sculk sensor, a sculk shrieker and a sculk catalyst to the caves.
The first sculk patch is the sculk sensor patch. This patch contains a sculk block as its surface and there is a sculk sensor in the middle of the patch.

The second sculk patch is the Sculk Shrieker patch, just like the sculk sensor patch, this patch consists of a sculk block for the surface and a sculk shrieker as the middle.

The third sculk patch is the sculk catalyst patch, the same as before but using the sculk catalyst as the middle.

The last patch is the sculk block patch, this patch does not have a block as its center, only consists of sculk blocks for the surface.

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