MCPE/Bedrock Neptune 16x | Official Onix PvP Texture Pack!

Neptune 16x is a clean blue texture pack with short sword, low fire and overall detailed and simple look. This texture pack is 16x so you dont need to worry about having low frames. Other than that, it's modern but simple look make it stands out. It also fit with every gamemode you could think of, bedwars? skywars? EVEN SURVIVAL! you name it!
Here's a look at their textures!
Weapons and tools:

The swords and tools are very simple and match the color scheme of Onix!

If you play on survival, the pack comes with it's own netherite textures.

These are other stuff. My favorite texture is the golden apple. They look shiny and sticks to default!

I think this ores look wonderful and unique. It is not the normal ores texture with full outline. This one is a border outline with a darker stone!!
There are two options of skies included inside the pack.
top is the day sky. bottom is the night sky

These skies should work fine without any bugs on all devices including mobile, windows 10 etc.
To change skies, go to Settings > Global Resources and click the cogwheel icon and use the slider


These are the other blocks. In my opinion, they look amazing and detailed while looking like default.
It also has hit particle when you deal or take damage!
Heres how it looks like:
Credits to @ambient for letting me use the code
Removed Client from the title, description and featured image to avoid confusion.
Updated the link
Download the file called "Neptune16x.mcpack" (it doesn't matter if you're on MCPE or Windows 10 it'll work on both just fine)
Install it into Minecraft
Enjoy the pack ?